Fulguration of stoma granulation tissue.

May 03, 2013 12:04 am
WOW, what a way to start off my first blog.

I have been an ostomate since 2008. A routine surgery to cut out a section of accordioned intestine turned into a fight for my life and ultimately an ileostomy. After many months I decided to name my stoma Oscar. i have been plagued with excessstoma granulation tissue. Granulation tissue is the raised, sometimes painful, red tissue which can develop at the base of the stoma . Granulation tissue can bleed and promote leakage of stomach contents through the stoma onto the surrounding skin.I usually refer to this as my stoma's ugly twin brother.

Normally I would just take a trip to the surgeon for some silver nitrate. This time I have decided on hopefully a more permanent solution. Thus I am set to undergo the knife once more.(Tuesday) Fulguration of stoma granulation tissue is supposed to be a fairly routine procedure. Once I am under anesthesia the surgeon will electro/laser cut off the excess tissue and if needed he will repair the tissue surrounding the stoma. I am a bit apprehensive as to being put under again. A repeat of the original surgery comes to mind. If anyone has had this procedure please feel free to chime in. I will post the results of mine sometime next week.

May 03, 2013 6:45 am
Hello m63c. Thanks for the post and I hope all goes well with your surgery. The bike looks great!Best wishes Bill
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May 08, 2013 8:40 pm
hope all goes well for you!
May 09, 2013 4:11 pm
Thanks to all for the comments, notes and emails. I am doing great. I changed the bag for the first time today. Everything looks good. The nurse had put the hospital bag on sideways as that is standard for someone that would be staying in the hospital. Unfortunately that drove me to distraction. The pain from the surgery was moderate. I stopped taking the pain meds the day after I came home. I just have to remember that even though I feel great I still need to take it easy. I hope that anyone else that has to go through this has it as easy as I did. kuddos to St Joe's Atlanta nursing staff and my surgeon. The paperwork took longer than the surgery.
Past Member
Jun 04, 2013 10:59 am
I have this problem,but all my surgeon had me to use is the silver nitrate. The ostomy nurse suggested me to use silver polyMem.It's expensive but it seems to help. i'll have to ask the doc about this Fulguration of stoma granulation tissue

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Oct 08, 2013 3:44 pm
It has been a few months since I had the procedure and the extra tab hasn't come back. It was the right decision to have the procedure done. Hope this helps..