It is possible to be appreciative

May 28, 2013 8:41 pm
So in my journey right now a bit of pep talking into pep talking or appreciation for my life right now as it is is in the order of the day. It just seemed like I was failing to appreciate where opportunity was consistently presenting itself. Where I come from an unappreciative child is called spoiled; woman called bitchy. Not wanting to be spoiled :) I figure I really need to practice appreciating a bit, develop the habit!

And so, day two of mustering up on purpose a shout of who rah for me, I've an ostomy! I could be dead or in pain but instead I smile and sit comfortable again. My stoma stifler has me invincible in public or close contact, go ahead and sit on the couch and chat with me for awhile I've nothing to fear and nothing to hide, so nice is peace of mind. My body got very ill and while it didn't heal just yet it is still true that I have a chance and meanwhile I have quality of life and hope to which I hold with delight. Hooray hooray I've an ostomy, today I'm feeling good in my body and all is right with me

May 29, 2013 8:39 pm
Nice habit to develop. I surely believe it is possible to be appreciative. I am most appreciative to the Lord, for I believe He is the reason we have this chance. I am appreciative to Him for the blessings He bestows in my life everyday.
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May 30, 2013 11:28 am
Amen Mrs A. I appreciate my blessings and feel closest to the source of those blessings when I am glad hearted. Drawing close to life itself is what it feels like.