still feel down

Jun 08, 2013 3:36 pm
I drove myself home may 14. The hospital arranged a once a week home care check on me, and the arnp had a loot of supplies sent by ups. i'm very grateful for all the help, the meds, diapers and ostomy supplies. i still feel like I'm going crazy with this fistula and I'm going to beg them at the surgery follow up in two weeks to close this hle that's leaking. I went to the ER up here in lake city once and got cipro, which i'm still on. I couldn't take the bactrim they prescribed and got ver sick... i don't want my meds to run out, for nausea and pain, and I don't know if the doctors will give me any more meds. I still feel tired and hang over the shopping cart when I go to wal mart. i rest a lot;

Jun 08, 2013 10:22 pm
Aww, I am sorry to hear of your situation. I am a big believer in giving my troubles to God. I do have a wonderful supportive husband who helps me in every way possible but talking to God refreshes my spirit which I know does both my mind and body good. I do not know much about your medications but could they have side affects that are contributing to your feeling down. Maybe it would be a good idea to find a support group to go and talk things out with others to see if they may have ways to help you till the doctors get a handle on it. I hear the United Ostomy Conference is in Florida this August. Maybe it would benefit you if you could go. Here is a link with information in case your interested: pray things get sorted out for you soon. In the meantime try to celebrate the small successes you have in your daily life. Keep on expressing your feelings here and if you can stop bye the chatroom, sometimes it can be a good way of taking your mind off of things for a bit.
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Jun 10, 2013 1:42 am
If you take to much of that Ciprofloxacin (cipro) it messes with your protein and can make you feel sickly.
Jun 10, 2013 9:36 pm
Agrees with Jupiter. Cipro can make a person feel crappy. If your having leak issues, make sure that when U apply the wafer, the stick adhesive, make sure all skin surfaces are absolutely dry. If urine happens to leak when U're putting it on, the wet spot will not adhere and U will end up with leak. GIVE yourself a BREAK... It has not been a month yet. U need to chill, relax, recover, take your meds and get well. My urostomy was 2.25.13, and I am just now starting to feel a little more like myself every day. Hang In there. I too lived in Lake City at one time. Sister still does half the year. Good Luck. And Give Yourself time.
Jun 11, 2013 1:00 am
I too am a true believer in God I had over 13 surgeries and multiple treatments and kept my faith and fought every step of the way it can be a lil discourging when the doctors don't know or choose not to care about treating the problem rather treating the symtoms. but doing your own research and advocating for yourself helps look up medications, side effects, your diagnosis, get second opinions, get involve in your treatment ask as many questions as you can. It took me to be a pin cushion and a lab rat to figure that out I shouldnt be here but God isn't through with me yet....I'm loving toni(illostomy) to the fullest I got my life back remember we have to go through to get through. We all have a purpose on this earth and we all have a testimony to tell. ..this little bastard still like to empty constantly and love to try to keep me dehydrated but we fight to the end i drink pedialyte like its no tomorrow I fight to stay off the opium drops because nothing can stop him he can get fresh at times....but I'm living and haven't felt this good in year.keep your head up and I agree waking up every morning is a Blessing it self God Bless you all and stay strong.

How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
