Living with an Ostomy After Diverticulitis Surgery

May 01, 2018 1:28 am

I hear a lot more about ileostomies than colostomies. Im confused if I still have the food precautions that the diverticulitis required, like popcorn and seeds? Safe or can I still get an attack? A diseased part of my colon was removed when my intestines burst and I have a stoma. They said I could get a reversal but I dont think I can handle being sliced open again and the recuperation. My stoma seems to be most active for a couple hours in early morn, but this has forced me to not continue my job as its too hard to handle in a public place, its not like once and done. I use hollister wafers and plastic bags and they seem to be fine i dont know if the wafers will break down after few months? Anyway iam just trying to find out more about Gratty its short for gratitude, because without it I wouldnt be here!

May 01, 2018 5:50 am

Hello Newstom. I see from your profile that you have a colostomy. This should open up the opportunty for you to irrigate, which would resolve several of the problems you mention and enable you to live a relatively 'normal' life without worrying about things like output during the day. If you want to look at posts specifically relating to colostomies, then try going into Premium Content and 'colostomy' where you will find lots of past posts on all sorts of interesting stuff. As for diet and its affects. Everyone is different in this regard and most people have learned by trial and error, which is why it's useful to read through the posts to see if anything might be relevant to your situation. 

Best wishes


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May 01, 2018 4:47 pm

Thanks Bill. Is premium content the Paid subscription?

Appreciate yours, and all the posts on here!

May 01, 2018 8:22 pm

No you don't need a subscription for the 'Contents' section  -- happy reading

Best wishes
