
Sep 18, 2013 3:57 am
Just in case you missed the last blog... this one, I feel... needs repeating... <3

<blue>That while reading when this site gets new people, that a lot of you could really use some hugs so here: (HUGS)! I was really trying to think of how to start this next blog and have a lot on my mind as it is, but had just checked my email to see that new people had logged in here. We are becoming quite the site, aren't we? I really think that's a great thing. A wonderful way to get to know others with similar interests, among other things, but also to share your story, your fears, on how we can relate and also solve issues we're having with our ostomies. Which.. btw, please don't ever be afraid of something that saves your life one way or another. Don't ever feel embarrassed either. I've been there, done that. I know how you all feel. That feeling will go away... all in due time, but in the meantime... if you need to talk, or just want someone to listen, or whatever the case may really be, then come here and tell us. Come and share whatever you like and know that you're coming here with open and welcoming arms and that things will be alright.

Now, some of you reading this, may think I've lost my mind, but if you're read the previous blog of mine, then you'll know what I've been through, dealt with, and what I'm still having to deal with and even though some days, sometimes it's ever other day, tends to be a handful, or a struggle... there are a lot of awesome and wonderful days, too. Actually, there have been more of those wise ..ostomy wise anyway lol. I know God has been watching over me. I've always felt that way, no matter what. Why else would I still be here after all that other stuff?

Anyway... for those of you who are reading this.. just wanted to welcome you to the site. No, I'm not an Administrator. I'm just someone else who cares deeply about anyone and everyone and won't judge you by any means and is really glad to see you. :) So, welcome, have a seat, and leave your sanity at the door, because in here, we tend to get wild.. mwahahaa... LOL!!! I am only kidding folks. Seriously, welcome and come read our blogs, etc and get to know everyone and if you have questions, ask.. We're here to help make things easier. We all are. (hugs) :D

That's it for now.. if it seemed like I'm babbling.. most likely. I've been dealing with a lot of things lately and I.. just needed to do something else for a change lol. (shrugs) <3 Take care! -Jen-

Sep 18, 2013 3:57 am
Ack lol... meant to remove and change some things, but you all get the general idea haha. :) I really hope you all are doing well. xx
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Sep 18, 2013 5:21 am
Hello jennepoo. Thanks for posting this blog. It's good to be reminded every now and then how fortunate we are to be able to communicate with others in similar situations (or maybe worse!). I have no problems with talking to other people about the ostomy and all that it means. However, it always feels as if it is part of some educational programme rather than a proper interactive converstion. Whereas on a site like this where people understand the problems it feels like a proper, friendly encounter.Best wishes Bill
Sep 18, 2013 5:41 am
I agree! :D Always want people to feel at ease. Just because you have an appliance attached to a part of your body, doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Learn to adapt and feel comfortable. At first I felt like it was a safety blanket, but now, I know that it's saved my life many times and I know that it's a part of me and I'm okay with that. :D I just hope others can read this and know that it's okay and feel okay. Or ask any questions, etc. :)