sat 17th may

May 17, 2014 5:26 am
well thats another week ticked off back to work, gonna get paid soon, i knew there was a reason i kept turming up.

im a bus driver and work shifts, early one week then late the next. my first lateweek back was agood once i had worked out how long to eat before i got to work, these are the thing that only us understand.

my early week bought about some different issues. the first being i used to love a nice long hot shower before work and on the first day i did this and decided a bag change at the same time, i fing a clean new bag is like clean underwear. well off i went to the shower, mmmm lovely, all that hot spray and soap, no bag ohh to feel normal again.

now ive devolped a system after shower, took a few failed attemps and s--t all over the place. as i get out of the shower i place a section of kitchen roll (1 sheet does plenty)over the clean but wet stoma and then put mottom and wash y nice new towling robe tightly round it, this gives me chance to get a little dry and relaxed and enjoy the feeling of being clean before , well u know what.

now back to my early morning prep, i tried this on the first morning,went through the ritual, was on the bed everything at the ready and then bang, an eruption, all over, hands, bath robe bed. it seems my little friend does not like being changed first thing in the morning when i have time pressure in getting to work, but as they say you learn by your mistakes.

now my wife has made some nice elastic pads that cover the seal in the shower so i can stay in the showeras long as i like and open the bottom of the bag and wash so it still feels im off to work clean.

well ive just looked at the time and now im in a rush, just off to shower and then work

May 20, 2014 8:48 pm
Hi Blueonthetyne, I learned a technique from the Phoenix Magazine. I cover my pouch with a plastic sandwich baggie and tape it to my skin. This way, I can stay in the shower as long as I want without the fear of the wafer melting away. The manufacture of my product claims that this will not happen but I do not want to risk it. Also, I really do not like a damp pouch against my skin. Summertime I am more aware of the pouch than in the winter. I have tried baby powder and it helps some with the moisture.
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May 21, 2014 9:20 am
Hi Blueonthetyne...sounds like you're havin fun with getting to know your bag. I know this sounds sarcastic but only another Geordie would understand our sense of humour !! I too have an ileostomy and it took a while to get to know her but by and by I get along just fine is good to see another Geordie on here..I was beginning to think I was the only one. I don't know if you are aware of a support group that is going on at QE in Gateshead.It might be useful for you, I am going to my first meeting there on July 5th and will send you the details if you are interested. My husband and family are soo supportive but I think it will be good to meet other ostomates. Good luck with everything and hopefully I will talk to you soon
May 22, 2014 3:39 am
I have used the shower cap to cover the bag and once out of the shower use a baby terry cloth bib to hook around between the bag and flange. Make sure it is only terry cloth so it will help absorb the moisture around the flange while you dry everything else off. Of course the trusty hair dryer can help the last part. Eating three or four regular size marshmallows before a bag change usually helps stop flow just long enough while going through a complete bag change. I always keep a few folded up pieces of toilet paper handy in case it gets a little rowdy. I always do my change at the bathroom sink in case of issues. A facecloth laid over the edge helps keep things a drop cloth.....hope some of this helps ) It's a learning curve!L
May 26, 2014 5:53 am
thank you all for your useful comments, it is still very early days for me and im still learning, so I take everying on gonna try the hair dryer vikinga, its a worry when u do a change that ur gonna get everything just right and ladyhope, I did think of babypowder and am gonna keep some to hand, on the whole things are going ok.hi bababoo, I will confess to not being a Geordie but I do have a phrase book that's gets me through the day when driving me bus, ive been here nearly 7 years now so im getting better at the lingo, the best one at work was people getting on the bus asking for toon and I thought they pere saying pound so they were getting cheap fares. its nice to know others in my area, I met some nice folk whwn I was in hospital, both the QE and the freeman. ill have a look at work shifts for the support group dates. are you a fullmember on here

Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

May 26, 2014 1:02 pm
Hi blueonthetyne I guess I can forgive you for not being a true Geordie, an honourary one is fine !!! I guess I am also not a true Geordie as I live in Gateshead...but it's close enough. I was also in both the QE and Freeman when I had my ileostomy two and a half years ago as I had a terrible time with septicaemia and three heart attacks but thankfully am fine now with no long lasting after effects. I am not a full member on this site. Hopefully you will be able to make the support group if your shifts would be good to meet you there.
May 27, 2014 7:57 am
ahh bababoo, you make it sound so easy septicaemia and three heart attacks, but im fine now that's serious you use the buses in Gateshead, i work for go ahead.had a bad day yesterday, right from the off i had my heckles up but ive been up an out with the dogs early today and feel a lot better about things, i suppose that's the way it is, i try me best but get a bit pissed off telling everybody im ok when im really not... of well onwards and upwards.
May 27, 2014 9:28 am
I don't use the buses cos I like the comfort of my car..haha. I admire that you have gone back to work so early after your op and you sound like you are doing good. It can't be easy when you're driving the bus to make a pit-stop if you know what I mean!! I know what you mean about telling folk you're fine when sometimes you really want to scream from the rooftops that you're not and totally pissed off and that life is unfair but we hold it together for our family I suppose. It does get easier as you get to know how your ileostomy works but we all know life will never be the same will it? but hey, we have to make the most of it and be thankful that we are still here to tell the tale!! and as you say ..onwards and upwards is the only way forward. Hope your day is better and you enjoyed your walk with the dogs. What kind of dogs do you have? We have a Patterdale/Staffie cross and she is lovely, knows when to cheer me up.And it's true what they say..they are your best friend aren't they?
May 27, 2014 10:16 am
I don't blame u for using the car, I only get on a bus when they pay me or im really desperate, mind u its a good free taxi back from the town sometimes if you make it in time.i was really unsure about work at the beginning, the first question to the stoma nurse in the freeman was will I be able to my job again, the longest is just under 5 hours at any one time. work have been really good and have offered me stuff that suits but so far ive managed with a bit of controlled eating, which is not a bad getting more used to less and often rather than death by shyte in the canteen.i wanted to get back when I did as im on holiday and it means i have nearly three weeks under my belt and when I go back on the 7th of june I know ill be ok, its not hard work and I like the shifts. we have two labs, Harvey is a big choc one and his wife hattie is a smaller black pest.they are my world. they get me out and about and that's a good thing. im feeling better today and am determined to enjoy my holiday even though the weather is up to its us usual tricks.
May 27, 2014 9:32 pm
Haha, I like your comment about the free taxi home so long as it's not the night bus..I hear that can be pretty horrendous!! It sounds like work have tried to be really helpful and that can only be a good thing.I am very fortunate that I don't have to work so it's probably a little easier for me to control things although I did find the controlled eating a little hard at first but now I eat just about anything whenever I want..except late at night. I love Labradors, they have the nicest temperament with kids and are such good natured dogs. I hope you are enjoying your holiday and making the most of the weather and getting to some nice places, just enjoy the time with your family and relax and rejuvenate yourself ready for June 7th.
Jul 06, 2014 10:18 am
are you still there bababoo, did you go to the meeting at the QE, I did send a message but not sure if you got it, hope you are well
Jul 06, 2014 4:01 pm
Hi Blueonthetyne...sorry I didn't get your message so please don't think I am ignoring you. Yes I did go to meeting at the QE and thought it was ok. I am fine thanks and I hope you are too. Hope you have been enjoying the sunshine and had some lovely time with your family and nice long walks with your dog.