Hello all!
Dealing with trying to normalize my output and curious if anyone has ideas.
These last two weeks, my output has ranged from either pancake/tiny poo slider to straight up liquid sloshing around like I am trying to sneak a bota bag in my pants into a Grateful Dead show. I am ranging from being worried I am constipated to keeping my overnight fingers crossed against watery leaks.
There have been a few changes in my life, like adding some vitamins in the mix - A, D, Quercetin, Zinc - but other than that, my diet has not really changed at all. I tried some "non-constipating" iron to deal with my anemia, but it constipates me because I am cool like that, so I'm not taking that anymore. Just gonna be exhausted and pasty-looking for a few more months.
Anyone have tricks on trying to get the perfect consistency?
I love all the poop talk in my life these days. ;)