Francis the talking mule

Oct 30, 2016 11:16 pm
I am 14+ weeks post surgery. 07/21/16 I woke up from sugery with a colostomy due to diverticulitis with an abscess. I'mon a couple of sites (besides MAO) that are focused on my "condition." What I have noticed (both on here and other sites) is that a lot of people "name" their stoma and I decided that it was time that I named mine also.

A few days ago I was reading a post about the "noises" these things make at the most inopportune moment. Mine is no exception --- I'll be sitting at my desk and off "she" goes ---- talking to the world --- no output --- just NOISE !!! (some might call it "farting" but I would like to be a bit more PC and call it just "noise"... LOL)

That led me to the name I am giving my stoma.

Friends meet ----- Francis the talking mule !!

Francis ---- meet my friends on MAO !!

Oct 30, 2016 11:28 pm
I actually watched Francis on dvd last week lol. It is a bit disconcerting not having control over the noise but thankfully mine seems to do it late at night . (My 10 yo daughter's favourite word is fart lol).
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Nov 01, 2016 10:37 am
The time to worry is when you start talking back to it!
Past Member
Nov 05, 2016 12:15 am
I love it! I'm not going to name mine so 've I'll soon be having my reversal but I think I'd call it PITA because to me that's whst it is. Nothing will make me happier than waking up with PITA home forever. I can't imagine living my life in this much pain forever. JMHO