Experiences with Diversion Colitis After Colostomy Surgery

Apr 01, 2023 6:21 pm

Was wondering if anyone here has been diagnosed with diversion colitis after having a colostomy surgery. Did you have symptoms? What were the symptoms? How were you treated? Did the treatment work? Would appreciate any input.

Mabsie Moll
Apr 03, 2023 2:07 pm

I was just recently told by a gastroenterologist that the colon doesn't like 'being idle,' for want of a better way of putting it. So when one has an ostomy, Div. Col. is often the result. I was told that it causes inflammation and the sensation to pass wind through the rectum even though that part of the body is bypassed and that I shouldn't be concerned about it. I'm not sure if that answers your question though🙋🏼‍♀️

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Apr 03, 2023 10:03 pm
Reply to Mabsie Moll

Thanks for your reply. So, I gather you haven't had any bothersome symptoms? Since my colostomy surgery 9 months ago, I have been having severe pain in my anus and rectum with a constant urge to go to the toilet, even though my stool has been diverted. I read about diversion colitis and thought that maybe the cause is diversion colitis. I wanted to know if anyone had been diagnosed with it and if they have symptoms similar to mine.

Apr 06, 2023 9:52 pm

Why did they do a colostomy? Has someone looked into your rectum to be sure there is no pathology there?

Yes, I am familiar. Disuse colitis/proctitis is best managed by short-chain fatty acid enemas.

Should there be inflammatory bowel disease, then mesalamine suppositories are very beneficial and can be supplemented by cortisone suppositories. Caution, taking approximately 25% of the cortisone is absorbed and is like taking 1mg of Prednisone.

Apr 08, 2023 9:56 pm
Reply to gentlejohn

Hi. Thanks for your comments. I just had a flex sigmoidoscopy with biopsy last week. They didn't find any malignancy or any IBD. All that was identified was acute colitis pointing to diversion/disuse colitis. I'm trying SCFA enemas. So far, no improvement of my symptoms, just rectal irritation from the enemas. My colo-rectal surgeon has prescribed mesalamine enemas as the next thing to try if the SCFA enemas don't work. I read up on mesalamine and hope I don't have to go there.

Have you tried either? If so, how has your experience been?



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