Hi, I thought I would share my three favorite bags, which are all great for no leakage and accommodate small, medium, and big output.
My number one bag is the "SALTS BE Confidence Drainable" in black or beige with a flange 13-75mm that sticks very well with no harsh pull-off. I love this bag as it has the little tongue on the poop shoot, making it so easy to empty without output shooting seven ways, and the poop-shoot folds up back into the underside of the bag, making it look even smaller and a good Velcro locking system!
My number two bag is the Oakmed, as it too has a great grab factor and easy peel-off, but also I like the bulbous shape of the bag as it feels great to wear and has a 20-90mm flange, so plenty of grab factor too. The only drawback is that they do not make a drainable bag in this size.
Finally, the big daddy of bags, the "Dansac Nova Easyfold 1 piece Drainable bag," has a 15-90mm flange again and is great if your stoma is sticking out or prolapsed like mine and takes up nearly half the volume of a standard bag. I was lucky my stoma nurse found these as my stoma was getting out of order size-wise and kept having leaks as there was not enough room in the bag for both stone and output! Just so glad I've had these the last few months until I get my operation to put it back in with the hernia behind it pushing it out! I can't wait to get back to the SALTS bags, but in an ideal world, I wish I had the Salts bags but the shape of the Oakmed bags as it would be the perfect combo.
You can look and compare these three bags on my profile as I could not upload them here.
I also put up a pic of my prolapsed stoma and hernia!!
Not for the faint-hearted.
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