Pedialyte Popsicles for Ostomy Hydration: Any Experiences?

Apr 11, 2023 3:54 am

I have had my ostomy since Jan. 2022, with relocation surgery on March 30 of this year. I drink Pedialyte from time to time. Today, my ostomy nurse told me to buy Pedialyte popsicles. She said they work even better than the drinks because they are a smaller amount of liquid and absorb slower. I did buy some and some Pedialyte drop-ins for water. Has anyone tried the Pedialyte popsicles? How did that go for you?



Apr 11, 2023 3:48 pm

Never heard of the popsicles. It makes sense, but one could also just drink fluids slower so they absorb better. Timing when you drink fluids can also help. I really don't get some that drink so much water every day that all they're doing is flushing their system out. I understand some have to drink lots because of other issues. My advice, sip on your fluids throughout the day/night so you're not pumping a bunch in all at once, and save your money on the popsicles. But, if you like popsicles, you could always make your own for way cheaper. Have a good day.

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Apr 12, 2023 2:59 pm

Me too, I have not seen Pedialyte popsicles. My preference is Pedialyte and pretzel chips when necessary.

There are a lot of electrolyte solutions out there. Flavored Pedialyte is the only one I can tolerate. Gatorade makes me nauseated.

Jun 13, 2023 1:23 pm
Reply to gentlejohn

I can only drink G Fit, not regular Gatorade because of the sugar content. I like G Fit because it doesn't use dyes; my ostomy hates artificial dye and will explode it back out. This makes for some interestingly colored output but also thins out the output. Finding the Pedialyte popsicles was something my ostomy nurse told me to do; I found them in the baby section at Walmart. I have only eaten two from the box so far. I don't really care for them; they taste like the plastic they come in. I have a thing about the taste of plastic or metal in my drinks or, in this case, in my popsicles. I might try just making my own with a mold and Pedialyte. Thanks for commenting!


Jun 13, 2023 1:25 pm
Reply to AlexT

I know you aren't supposed to gulp down liquids because they will just go right through you, but sometimes I am so thirsty that I can drink 16 oz in about 5 to 10 minutes. I have dehydration issues; maybe that is why. I never thought about it like that. Thanks for the ideas and thoughts.



Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
