Apr 08, 2011 8:59 am
OK, its 3:00am, and I can't sleep for one reason or another, maybe because my brain was programmed to wake up at 3:00am from all those years of crohns' attacks....or maybe because the big guy is snoring and talking in his sleep..."yes... can I get jar of mayo to go with my two pound heart attack on a bun?? SNORE!!, and an extra straw too.....SNORE!!...no, ha ha, the extra straw is for the jar of mayo....SNORE!!!...." as I lay in my bed listening to my room mates babbling in there sleep, I start to think about the meet an ostomate site and saying to myself, out loud of course.. I mean, there yapping in there sleep, I figure I should try to fit in... if all the people in the world who have ostomys' of one kind or the other joined up on this site it would be an awesome achievement, first of all, but lets kick it up a notch, we would be like.... a secret society!! a world were only ostomates could go to get away from all the problems and chaos of the world in general..an oasis!! a place where there were no people to judge you, or look at you funny cuz your bag is peaking from under your clothes. folks who would say "hello friend!" and shake your hand, or pat you on your back. wouldn't that be awesome!!.. I could see it now, we would have our own country, lets say we could find a nice sized island some where, chase out the " normal" people who live there, and claim it as our land....we could call it "Stomaville" or " Ostotropolis" the only way you can get into our country was by having an ostomy...of courseour immediate family members would be there with us, we would "grandfather" them into the society, so they would not be left behind with THOSE people...

we would set up our own government, our own infrastructure, have our own businesses for ostomates only..set up our own medical insurance, were everybody contributeda portionof there pay checks to a general fund to pay for treatments and new research.. It would be a caring and nurturing environment. where no one would be denied treatment cuz of pre-existing Illness....We would be a people who would be happy and healthy, and never have to worry again about what folks said about us... we would be self sufficient...and kind to each other cuz we all shared a common condition ...........then I wake up!!

I look around and see that I'm still stuck in rehab, and my roomies are still sleeping, and mumbling to themselves... I get up and head to the oval office, to give my "contribution", then I head back to bed, as I get ready to plop in bed I see the orange line across the eastern horizon, signaling the start of another day. as I stand there looking out my room window,I'mseea new day with a fresh start.. new Ideas,, new chances to maybe get things done that you could not finish...., a chance to maybe correct the mistakes you made the day before.. a fresh chance to maybe make amends with someone who hurt you with a cruel word.. or something you said to them.. give your children a big hug that you didn't give them yesterday, because you were running late..as I crawl back under the covers I think about the ostomate utopia I made up in my head, and I think to myself.... quietly this time, that I already have that place, it lives inside of me,, and it lives in side of you, and everyone who has an ostomy ... all you have to do is believe in it, believe in yourself!! do good things for other people, or for your family,let them and others see that your not wallowing in self pity, but you can do the things you use to do, but this time you are more driven to see things through till the end.. now I'm not saying you have to be super human and push yourself to do things till you fall over and break something...its the little things you do for others that people will remember!! the kind word of encouragement,,,, a simple smile!. people will notice....and it will make you feel good as well, thats what its all about!!! ~DG44~

Apr 08, 2011 4:43 pm

What an awesome read!!! Thnk you.

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Past Member
Apr 08, 2011 5:51 pm
Thanks Dg what a great thought!I too offten find a place in my mind were were all together and living well! The one part of the blog that stuck out to me
{you are more driven to see things through till the end!} I realized that is what I lack! DRIVE!
I have to ammit that I use my illness sometime as a cruch!Not really proud of it but ..I have! If things arnt going well in the past I would chalk it up to saying things like...Oh I'm too sick today!..and..people will understand if I dont show up they know i'm sick & I'm not going to try because I just end up sick anyway!....I stopped believing in myself!
But...with friends like you and everyone here. I know have the power to believe in myself ...because you all believe in me! Traci40

Apr 09, 2011 12:47 am
DGuy,Stomaville,What a fatastic concept buddy.An ostomies garden of zen where compassion,understanding & true friendship rules.No alienination at all but acceptance.You have made us all aware of the common bond that binds us together.I award you 1000pts. DGUy for being the shining example of the above qualities.
I hereby declare you official mayor of Stomaville.Thank you your honour.Zepp.
Kona, Hawaii
Sep 18, 2011 9:05 am
That IS what it's all about. Good stuff, DG. Jill

Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Mar 20, 2022 11:05 pm
Wow!! That was awesome and thoughtful and creative and amazing. I really enjoyed reading that and it made me think yeah that would be really nice. So thankful for being able to read that today.