Hi all, I'm going to an informal college reunion of eight pals of mine in July. It's at the Vermont home of one of them. I'm already planning to bring my Hollister M9 ostomy odor-eliminating drops and praying that there's an exhaust fan in his bathroom. I don't want to not eat (oh, the irony that I had an eating disorder when I knew them way back when and wouldn't it be weird if they thought I still had one even though I've been eating heartily since that four-year nightmare) but I'm wondering how to tweak this. I thought of Imodium but, frankly, haven't used it in a long time, since before my ostomy when I was in the throes of UC. Can I use it safely with an ostomy? Is there any danger of causing an obstruction from such a slowdown of motility? Just planning ahead and any advice is much appreciated!