Hi all,
I have had my stoma since May of 2021. I have had many issues unfortunately with leakage and skin rawness. I honestly feel like I am losing my mind. It seems no matter how differently I cut my hole (larger, smaller) for some reason at the bottom of the appliance where it meets the stoma, there seems to always be a hole that opens up and lets leakage through. I tend to have to change my appliance every other day it seems. I have tried different diets, but no matter how or what I eat it seems that the stool comes out hard at first then it turns to a soft diarrhea for the next outputs (2 or 3 minutes later). I am constantly nauseous and I have deemed that it seems I get this nausea whenever I feel like I am going to expel. Has anyone else dealt with this? Do you have a solution? UGH