Ok, here goes. I've been having this pain in lower abdomen similar to cramps similar to the ones you get with your period, and rectal spasms. It went on for about a week give or take a few days. I tried as hard as I could to explain away the pain... contributing it to gas or a mucus plug moving down my rectal fistula, getting ready to pass. Well, after several days with the pain not getting any better, in fact getting a little worse, I decided I better go to the ER and make sure I didn't have another abscess since the pain felt similar to when I had an abscess before.
So I go to the ER and after waiting 12 hours and a jillion tests later, they said they think it might be a UTI and they want to admit me to rule out sepsis. Well, fast forward....the infectious disease doc said he didn't think it was a UTI since I didn't have a temp and my WBC was normal. So he stopped the antibiotic they were giving me for a UTI. The surgeon consult said the CT didn't show an abscess or anything going on with my hernia, so they all agreed to discharge me.
Ok, so I spent a whole day and one night in the hospital and they pretty much said it might be a mucus plug working its way out the rectum fistula, and something I'll just have to live with from time to time....
Thoughts PLEASE......HELP