A&E & poetry (after ten hours of frustration)

Aug 18, 2023 9:23 pm

This is the second attempt at posting as the first seems to have been wiped. Thanks Terry for drawing it to my attention.


This morning I felt a sharp pain
but now I almost feel insane ,
for I have spent all of my day
frustrated as time drifts away.

I have to say right from the start
My pain was right above my heart,
so I could not ignore it for
I’ve suffered similar before.

Last time it was a heart attack
so, when I pause and I look back
it seems a prudent thing to do
to seek a medics point of view.

The thing about the A&E
is that it always tends to be 
packed with people who are ill
and, it seems, it’s that way still.

Now, whilst the others’ may be sick
the staff have guidelines so they pick
dicky tickers previously
to treat as a priority.

Thus, I am fortunate because\
my triple bypass is the cause
of my jumping up the queue,
So I become one of a few.

I’m seen quite quickly at the start
because of problems with my heart,
but as the day grinds slowly on
so many things are sin qua non. (necessary)

First, there’s lots of interviews,
which give the medics my own views
on the problems I perceive
in the firm hope they will relieve.

These interviews take lots of time 
but nowhere near the time my rhyme
is written as I wait and wait 
in this most frustrated state.

A blood sample’s taken from me
which makes me think I might break free
from what now seems far too long
for what I envisaged might be wrong.

This sample is then sent elsewhere
where technicians search then share
their findings with the doctors who
look at results and think them through.

This means that much more time drifts by
so, in the waiting room I try
to compose this rhymes so I
am not tempted to say good buy.

Eventually they x-ray me,
which, they tell me,  is to see
if this pain’s due to my heart
or if there is some other part.

One doctor thinks the pain might be 
related to my ostomy
or at least my digestion’s
one of his informed suggestions.

I’ve now been here more than eight hours
and still it seems  that the powers
who make decisions have not come to
a clear and concise point of view.

As a patient, I’m not rude
and yet I wish that they’d conclude
their deliberations fast
so, homeward bound I’d be at last.

And thus, I patiently persist
while I am trying to resist
the urge to leave the A&E,
which is beginning to annoy me.

This waiting is getting to me 
and affecting my ostomy,
for I’ve had nowt to eat or drink
and now my mind begins to sink.

This might be as I’m dehydrated
I am getting so frustrated, 
but, whatever was before
now, it seems there’s even more.

The nurse just told me that I need
another ECG to feed
the database that they have got,
so here |I go and off I trot.

To the section where I know
these technicians have their show,
for being close now is my aim,
so I’ll be clear to hear my name.

Unfortunately, I was wrong
because I’ve sat here for so long
the doctor called from whence I came
which made me hold my head in shame. 

Now, at least, they have called me
for the second ECG
which I hope will prove positive
and not prove to be negative.

I’m getting fed up with this thing
and the frustration it can bring
I’m looking forward to leaving here
as I am sure I’ve made quite clear.

At last, they say, the heart is not
the basic problem that I’ve got,
but that means that the stoma is
a candidate for what’s amiss.

I am glad that they have found out
what my problem is about 
but pondering ten hours spent
I’m left to question where time went.

                                            B. Withers 2023

Morning glory
Aug 18, 2023 11:54 pm

Wow, that is a long time to wait Bill. I'm  glad that you  have  the talent  to make the rhymes  to pass the time. I hope that you stay healthy. 

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ron in mich
Aug 19, 2023 12:25 pm

Hi Bill did they figure out why your ostomy was the problem, seems odd that you had upper chest pain, hope your feeling better.

Aug 19, 2023 3:12 pm
Reply to ron in mich

Hello ron.
First of all thank you - I am indeed feeling much better now.
My post was a precis of all that happened at A&E. several doctors asked me all sorts of questions about most of my physical problems.

Once they found out that it was nothing to do with my heart, I got the impression that they were 'guessing' what might be the problem based on all the things I told them.
it wasn't quite that they were pointing at the stoma itself, rather than the digestive tract, which I had to admit is pretty crap. My own guess is that it could be put down to a number of things: I also have a hiatus hernia which won't help in that region; and, since I had covid, I've had problems with breathing; Not that the open heart surgery helped in that regard as I now have a permanent 'crushing' feeling in my chest. Another factor is that I had a ski pole dig in there and dislodge a couple of ribs back & front, which has never fully healed.

However, I got the impression that pointing the finger at the stoma was fairly safe for them in that The stoma nurses and doctors could have a closer look and divert any responsibility away from them. 

My own feeling is that as long as it's not the heart, little else is likely to be fatal So I'll just keep plodding on with the other stuff as I always have.
Best wishes


Aug 19, 2023 9:04 pm

Hi Bill,  I seem to be missing something here.  This topic starts out with you just liking something, but no write-up, just the title?  I take it that you were in the ER being seen for chest pain?  Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you are OK.  Ten hours seems about par for the course these days!  I agree that doctors, as much as I admire what they do, do use a lot of guesswork, and being able to pawn your symptoms off on your ostomy seems really convenient!



Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Aug 20, 2023 7:59 am
Reply to TerryLT

Hello Terry. Thanks for drawing this to my attention. It's the second time one of my posts have been wiped and it looks a bit weird when there is nothing there to see.
I've now republished through the 'EDIT' system and it seems to have worked ( for now).

Best wishes
