Hello Lee.
Thanks again for posting your concerns about phantom leaks, which has prompted me to write a rhyme (below).
I have also posted it separately, because otherwise I forget which rhymes I have posted or not. Posting them separately allows me to keep track and hopefully not post the same rhymes more than once.
Best wishes
Those folks with stomas might regret
if they don’t check when they feel wet,
for those who do not take a peek
may find that they have got a leak.
I know it is frustrating when
I check and check and check again,
only to find that I am dry
and then I start to question why.
Why is it that I sometimes feel
a wet sensation that feels real,
and makes me think there’s something wrong
which might lead to an awful pong?
Why do I take that extra care
when I think that a leak is there,
only to find that I am dry
which leads me then to question why?
Is this a common phenomenon
to seek a leak where there is none?
Or do I stand alone with this
believing I might come amiss?
Sometimes it’s good to talk and share
with other people who’ve been there
and understand what it’s about
when caring for this stoma spout.
Of course, it’s what one might expect
with stomas, where, without respect,
they may react and cause a mess
which, in turn, causes distress.
So, I think I will persevere
with seeking leaks, because I fear
that if I omit to check on it
my stoma may eject its **it.
A leak can come at anytime,
which is the moral of this rhyme.
B. Withers 2023