Deploying my stoma stuff

Sep 26, 2023 8:13 am


You’d think by now I’d had enough
of deploying all my stoma stuff
on every day of every year,
but I would like to make it clear. 

At the beginning I admit
I did not like one little bit
the sights and smells of stoma life
because it felt like too much strife.

Deodorants to quell the smell,
adhesives with remover as well,
and, of course I have to add
I still had the inco-pads.

Tools to help me irrigate,
and rules for me to navigate,
belts to prevent the hernias
all for newbies and the learners.

Wet wipes, dry wipes, and waste bags,
no wonder my small tote bag sags.
Stoma bags, plugs, creams, and lotion
like drowning in a stoma ocean.

I’d spread the stuff out in a line
thinking that all would be fine
as long as I did as they said
and followed all those thing I’d read.

There was no talk of accidents
or walking me through incidents
that almost every ostomate
will find they need to navigate. 

But here I am, with decades gone,
still toting gear that’s sin qua non, (necessary) 
but now I’m starting to enjoy
the stoma stuff that I deploy.

                                            B. Withers 2023

Sep 26, 2023 11:06 am

Although I did enjoy this poem

I must confess I hate my dome

And all the parts it now requires 

And endless ads by the suppliers

I know I should be quite thankful 

for a bag which keeps a tankful

Enjoy it are you kidding me?

I must admit I disagree    jb

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Sep 26, 2023 1:09 pm
Reply to Justbreathe


I like the rhyme from you JB,
and the fact you disagree
in terms of ‘enjoyment’ where
it’s not something that you can share. 

I do appreciate this stance
for, in my rhyme, there is nuance
that I, indeed, once felt like you
for years, until I changed my view.

I must admit that change was slight
and only happened so I might
push to one side the negatives
and start to search for positives.

I also will admit that I
don’t always feel this way, but try,
as negativity I find
can be depressing for my mind.

For years I was resentful for
those things my stoma had in store
and all the stuff that went with it
would feel like a big heap of shit.

Yet, in my search for something good,
you may have noticed that I would
choose the ‘stoma-gear’ above
the stoma, which I still don’t love.

But when I’m stuck with something bad,
which I might wish I didn’t have,
it’s then I tend to look around
to see what else that can be found.

And, whilst this may be a delusion,
I have come to the conclusion
that thinking positively works,
so it must be one of life’s perks.
                                                B. Withers 2023

Sep 26, 2023 3:04 pm
Reply to Bill

My very own poem, altho I loved it

It’s proof we’re both just full of shit