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Last week was the one-year mark for my ileostomy reversal. I know for a lot of people reversals are not an option, so I tend to not go out of my way to talk about it unless there is a reversal question. My surgeries were split into two, with several months of healing in between. My husband tried to talk me out of the reversal because he thought I would have more independence with an ostomy, and I like my independence. He also flips out anytime I'm under anesthesia… stuff happens. But at my age and with the new connection already made, just healing, I really wanted to try and was confident in my ileostomy care skills to be able to jump right back into that. My connection is an ileorectal anastomosis—super fun to say and try to explain when asked, ‘What's that?' My colorectal surgeon had said a J-pouch for me would be malpractice because apparently if that rectum can be spared, it's really good. It's funny how normal it is within this group of people to say, ‘Yeah, I have 8” of rectum left, what about you?' At the time of the surgeries, they weren't sure what had killed my colon. Now they're pretty sure it was rheumatoid arthritis—they just don't know why with me it went after an organ hardcore first and only mildly attacked my joints until recently. My post-reversal surgery was traumatic because of complications with an ileus and a partially collapsed lung, but then I had the nurse that looked like Chris Evans, and the rest of that stay is a blur… not really, I had a very interesting roommate.
I had a bunch of testing back in the spring that basically said there are ongoing motility issues, but they don't know why. Food and I are working on our relationship… but that's not the reversal… that is getting sick on repeat for 14 years almost anytime I ate, so my brain sees a lot of foods as the enemy. I'm going to go back and do another round of physical therapy to help strengthen my core muscles. My incision sites have been closed for months, but not healing well, most likely because of the RA, so I've been getting laser treatments every three months to help. If you have any ileostomy reversal questions in particular, I'd be happy to help anyone in finding answers as much as I'm able.
Happy Thanksgiving ☺️