No Output for 24 Hours After Colostomy Surgery - Should I Be Concerned?

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Jan 04, 2024 8:33 pm

Hi gang,

So, I have not had any output now for like 24 hours. This followed a period of really heavy output yesterday morning. Before my surgery, I would occasionally experience something similar where I would not go for a day or so and then have a heavy day. Wondering if it is just more of the same since I can't see why the surgery (colostomy) would really change this.

The flip side is I ate a few grapes for the first time and am paranoid about blockages. I made sure to really chew and drink a lot of water with them. I have no pain or discomfort or other issues that would indicate a blockage.

When should I become concerned and take something like milk of magnesia or something to help move things along? Thoughts?


Jan 04, 2024 8:48 pm

Damn, Sean, I'm sorry you're going through this. Wow, I don't know what to tell you other than to contact your surgeon. But if I were to guess, maybe there's a term we use: "wake up time" is needed for your small colon to wake up, and it needs some time. I eat grapes all the time; I don't have any problem. I mean, I practically inhale grapes, and there's no problem. So if you suspect grapes, I don't think that's your issue. Something could be clogged, and if it were, you'd be in pain, buddy. I mean, roll over flat on the floor kind of kidney stone pain passing, and I don't believe you're doing that. So if there's no pain, you could possibly ride it out, but just give your surgeon a heads-up and document this: time and date. Continue with the fluids because the pressure will eventually blow whatever is stuck if something is stuck. That's the way I look at it mechanically, and you're a mechanic; you get this, right? So yeah, like a potato in a tailpipe kind of logic. Drink. Create pressure. Hopefully, it will pop. If pain? See a doctor.

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Jan 04, 2024 8:48 pm

I have a colostomy too. Sometimes I've had no output for 2 days. No problem. If you had a blockage, it would be very painful.

Mysterious Mose
Jan 04, 2024 8:57 pm

From my understanding, it is not unusual for a colostomate to go a day or two without output. As an ileostomate, that makes me furiously jealous! 🥸


Jan 04, 2024 9:04 pm

Hello SeanB.
Thanks for your post. I can understand your concerns as this happens to me regularly. 
It is difficult to tell people when they should be concerned about something like this as we are all different in the way our systems work.
For years I did not have this sort of problem and then for no apparent reason the symptoms you describe started.

I tend to try not to worry about anything stoma related until I start getting pain and even then I'll leave it a day or so.
Taking things like milk of magnesia or laxatives  is unlikely to give you a definitive answer to your question, as you describe having heavy output before the lack of output. It sounds as if you have simply emptied out and the system takes a while before it fills up again. My own problems have coincided with distinct signs that I have a 'lazy -gut' and a 'prolapsed stoma' also gives a clue to the system not working like it used to. 
With all these things, I find it useful, for my own peace of mind, to occasionally share my concerns with a stoma nurse, to see what they have to say. 
On my last trip to them she told me that she thought that my colon was just a heap of mush,. and it was not likely to ever work as well as it did at the beginning. 
My take on this is that, at some time in the future, if I have worse problems, they are likely to recommend taking out or bypassing the offending colon and giving me an ileostomy to replace my colostomy.  I have decided that for now I will continue with what I've got and take whatever comes.
I hope that your situation is just a temporary blip, or that you will settle down to the new 'routine' as if it is a new 'normal'. 
I do hope you get some more replies to your post, as it is good know that others are in the same or similar positions.  

Best wishes




Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jan 04, 2024 10:01 pm

I usually get a lot of output and then nothing for a day or a day and a half. No worries, you just emptied your system out and it'll fill back up and you'll be pooping just fine.

Jan 04, 2024 11:16 pm

If I drink grape or apple juice, I get output pretty quickly. Lots of liquid. Sneaky too. I usually don't feel a thing. When I take my occasional peek at Mr. Stoma, there hangs a plastic time bomb.

Taco Bell fast food causes it too. Found that out the hard way coming home from a trip and stuck in traffic as my bag ballooned.

I wear a Hollister retainer belt, so don't sense bag weight.

Jan 06, 2024 1:11 pm

Some time ago I read comments about having grape juice on hand just in case of AFOB “a fear of blockage”… the suggested brand was Kedem 100% Grape Juice. I keep it on hand and hope to never have an attack of AFOB, and if I do, I will immediately down it like my most missed liquid - a giant glass of wine. These days I call it whine as I hold up my hand and say “no thank you” and mumble under my breath - damn stomacide…..jb

Jan 06, 2024 11:20 pm

Happens to me all the time. Sometimes if I have a blowout/heavy output I don't go for a day or 2. Applesauce helps to regulate both ways.