Leaks from Stoma Mucous? Need Advice!

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Jan 12, 2024 4:22 am

Hi all,

So I noticed today that one of the spots I have leaks the most is where the skin changes to stoma, but is still flat… so I guess I've been putting the barrier ring on top of stoma tissue that is producing the mucous. Does anyone else have a similar story, or how to solve the problem? Essentially, anything that has to stick down will come up because of the moisture already under there.

I have been having to change almost every day.
Thanks for your help

Jan 12, 2024 1:09 pm

Question for you… Is it mucus you are referring to, or is it the barrier which breaks apart and falls into the bag and may look like mucus? And when you say leakage, is the output coming out of the bag and beyond all wax and staining the tape? I think I am confused (hah—that's a joke—I AM ALWAYS CONFUSED!). I wear a clear bag so I can monitor the path of output. My barrier ring will occasionally break off and drop into the bag (looks like mucus) as a result of me not totally matching up the barrier ring and bag wax when I secure the two together. After a day or so, I can see the barrier turning white. As it (the white) gets closer to the actual bag wax, I feel compelled to change my “setup.” I do not wear my bag very long—I usually change it every other day (I am a bit of a clean freak), and I am sure I could wear it longer. On change day, I shower bagless and totally clean my belly. I also rinse my bag frequently with water when emptying it and place a few drops of baby oil into the lower part of the bag, then press it to the inside walls of the bag. Recently, I have added fiber powder to my diet. This fiber and oil combo has resulted in less liquid output and forms a thicker output which can easily slide out and not “gum up” the inside of the bag—a clean sweep, so to speak. I think this routine has allowed me to avoid any skin issues and leaks. jb (ileostomy)

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Jan 12, 2024 2:46 pm

Please, people on here are good, but you need a stoma nurse or surgeon to talk to. Get it sorted as soon as you can. Regards, IGGIE

Jan 12, 2024 6:00 pm
Reply to Justbreathe

Example of fiber powder, brand? I am also a neat freak using clear bags, and rely on certain foods to achieve that effect.

Mysterious Mose
Jan 12, 2024 6:39 pm

Are you sure it isn't bile-softened stool? Is it a greenish color at all? If you are sure it is not bile-related, you should talk to an ostomy nurse or your surgeon. Have you tried a convex wafer at all? That solved all my seepage problems. But, I agree with Iggie. Talk to someone with ostomy medical knowledge.



Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jan 12, 2024 7:18 pm

It's not my output; it's the wetness that comes off the stoma that is causing me to leak.

Jan 12, 2024 8:11 pm
Reply to IGGIE

Maybe so - but it doesn't seem most of us have been over-informationalized (made up this word) on this site. I agree with you if a question is of a serious nature and even then not many know if it is serious or not, but much blood and pain I would consider serious - not all have the luxury of just chatting with an ostomy nurse about leakages, at least not in my world. Last time I chatted with two ostomy nurses was about three years ago when they fitted me for a hernia belt. I am not able to call a nurse or surgeon to answer frequently asked questions. Just getting to meet with those two took a week.
As a new and panicked ostomate just leaving the surgeon and nurses behind at the hospital in September 2020 - with no clue as to what just happened to me, I was totally unprepared for what the next year of my life would require. And to date, I have never been able to get over that fact or the fact that I knew absolutely nothing and could not have absorbed it mentally in those early days. And two days later I had to catch two flights home - so no turning back to those folks (docs & nurses) anyway. Maybe in rural America the local doctors and nurses have more time to spend with their patients, but in metro cities I can assure you this is not the case, thus making this website a godsend for me. And those willing to share their own experience without judgment are indeed priceless. Look how many refer to your Iggie Clip as an example… do you really think a doc or nurse would suggest this fix or even approve of it? I doubt it, and yet look, it seems some have tried it or came up with something which suited their needs based on your suggestion… Just sayin' - in my previous life (without stoma) I didn't even have a clue what a stoma was. And even now I still don't fully understand - colostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy and the differences and challenges they present - but I do realize all are uniquely different and some may present more issues than others, so generally we need to have more info when there are questions asked.

Jan 12, 2024 8:24 pm
Reply to Rene

According to my kidney doctor and many on this site, fiber powder is not harmful and we apparently need it. I don't take meds, so there would be no interaction with this product, but you should be aware. I recently commented on here about my confusion over using it from the start, as I always thought it was used for constipation, and I certainly did not have that with an ileostomy. There are many brands - the one I use is from Costco called Psyllium Fiber Sugar-Free Powder by Kirkland Signature. In a little bubble cloud on the label, it says (Compare to Metamucil). I had previously posted a picture but now am not sure if this site allows that. jb

Jan 13, 2024 9:10 pm
Reply to Justbreathe

Learned that the ileostomy is the easiest of the three types of ostomies to deal with.

Jan 15, 2024 3:19 pm
Reply to Justbreathe

G-Day Justbreathe, I constantly hear on here how bad the service is for ostomates and how they are sent home with no knowledge and not able to get help. Check if you have an ostomy club in your area, and if you don't, start one.

Also, talk to your local political member and explain how bad it all is. Your local doctor could be able to point you in the right direction.

Start rattling some cages; remember, it's the squeaky wheel that gets all the attention. Regards, IGGIE. Good luck, JB.