rememebering 9/11

Sep 11, 2011 6:39 pm
I am just thinking about 10 years ago from today.When the 2 planes crashed into the World Trade Center, 1 into the pentegon, and 1 in New Jersey. Remembering the ones lost there lives that day. They became heroes. and sacrificethere livesto help others to safety.

I was recouperating from 1st ilieostomtyoperation 5months before 9/11 happen. felt good 4 about 10 years, then thisyear I had a 2nd operation, in February for perm. one anda herniatoo. I'm on the mends now. back to work. Life short and don't take anythingfor granted, enjoy life to the fullness -- God gives you as much as you can handle ---God bless

Sep 12, 2011 3:07 am
I used to drive through Manhattan on my way to work and I remember seeing a big cloud over lower Manhattan for about 10 days after the attack. Today we are remembering all those who died on that day, all those who rose to heroism, and all those who continue to suffer greatly as a result of that day. (My niece's new husband helped in the recovery but now he has serious issues with his lungs and may not see his child grow up.) Let's also remember that the world is full of bad people who should never get another chance to hurt us or our children again. Eternal vigilance is the price we must pay to remain free.
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