Passing Rectal Mucus with an Ileostomy - Seeking Advice

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Jan 23, 2024 8:31 am

Does anyone have any miracle ideas on passing mucus when your body doesn't eject it naturally and you can't use enemas, suppositories, or irrigation?

The reason for my ileostomy was damage to my bottom end, so my new problem is not being able to pass what's building up. I don't have colitis or anything like that, so I gather I might not produce mucus in large quantities (always been constipated), but what I am producing is just sitting there.

In the UK, urgent referral back to the surgeon about this, but no plans to see me any time soon. The stoma nurse just says to go to A&E if I get into a mess while I'm waiting for an appointment.

I've read about people using strong laxatives to clear out the colon despite having an ileostomy, but would that work now that they are separated? I know laxatives aren't advised with a stoma, but this mucus is a bigger problem.

I know mucus is normal, that's not my concern. Just don't know how to avoid a huge problem forming. Had my ileostomy since the summer, so fairly new really.


Thank you

Jan 23, 2024 11:31 am

Good morning ...

I understand your situation, being a newly ostomate, and you also have a part of your colon left ...

You said you're always constipated or you have problems with constipation ...

I would say listen to your stoma nurse before something happens and get that checked. I'm not an expert on that because I don't have a large intestine anymore, but if you're not passing anything, mucus or poop, you have a bigger problem than you know ...

So I would definitely get over to the emergency room. Start from there because if you are plugged up down there, you could blow the intestine with back pressure. Don't

fool around with this condition.

Let us know what you decide.

Good luck.

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Jan 23, 2024 12:02 pm

Hi there,

So I actually can't pass mucus either. The reason for my ileostomy was very severe pelvic floor dysfunction. So my back end won't let me expel anything; it never has. If you haven't made an appointment with your doctor, I would suggest you do so you can talk to them about what to do in your situation. And yes, I would go, like your stoma nurse said, if it gets bad and have it checked out. I had to have my rectum removed but kept my anus for reasons, but removed my rectum. Is yours from the pelvic floor muscles or other damage to your back end?

Jan 23, 2024 12:18 pm


Walk into the nearest A&E and get yourself checked!

It's not worth taking the risk - it will just build up.

Best of luck!


Jan 23, 2024 1:30 pm

Thanks. Just to clarify, my ileostomy works perfectly, so no trouble there. Also, I have passed mucus plugs since I got my ileostomy in the summer, but these were with the help of enemas, which are painful. I'm just asking for anything that might stimulate my lower bowel that I could take orally.


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Jan 23, 2024 3:50 pm

You have a good point about trying orals to stimulate bowel, but taking orals would stimulate the stoma - small colon since the large is disconnected,

correct? And I don't know of anything other than those enemas that would help. You need to worry about blockage and boom!!!

Please consult at the nearest hospital. Bring someone with you in case you're in pain by then. 


Jan 24, 2024 3:04 am

Stoma nurse here. Oral meds will not target the residual colon, and oral laxatives can dangerously dehydrate ileostomates. You can talk to the A&E team about glycerin suppositories, which is the treatment for mucus build-up in the colon stump.

Feb 04, 2024 4:21 pm

Hi, I had the same issue and they used to have me use an enema type when it got too bad. Fleet, I do believe, but ask your doc as everyone's situation is different. This was with my temporary loop ostomy. Prior to the temp loop ostomy, I had severe constipation with the same rectal pressure, so after the ostomy, it was now hardened mucus balls. Upon a colonoscopy with my loop ostomy in place, they had to abort the procedure because my whole colon was filled with these hardened mucus balls, and the doc says he tried cleaning them out, but there were so many he could not get them all. He said my colon is not working and suggested I get it out, so I did go back to the colorectal surgeon and we took it along with the rectum out and created an end ileostomy. There is no going back. No chance for reversal for me, but I was in so much pain and it was my only option.