Rectal Stump Mucus Blockage Concerns

Feb 22, 2024 1:49 am

I've had my colostomy for 3 years, and I've not passed any mucus since a colonoscopy in August 2022. I feel pressure, but nothing passes. Tried Microlax, but it didn't work. I'm getting really nervous about it, thinking the staple might pop. I've booked to see the surgeon, but can't get in for a couple of months. Any suggestions appreciated.

Feb 22, 2024 1:59 am

Have you tried an enema?

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Night owl
Feb 22, 2024 3:05 am

Sometimes I pass mucus and sometimes I don't. You can try just flushing with some warm water, kind of like an enema or an actual enema. I have irrigated my colostomy and just did the rectal stump at the same time. Used a cone tip. Hope that helps!

Feb 22, 2024 3:21 am

Ileo here. I am told with a colostomy you can take days to pass anything. So is your question about not passing anything being plugged? Mucus? Is that something over poop?

Obviously, if pain or no bowel movement, an enema might help, or get to the ER and sort it out. You mentioned pressure but not pain. Trapped gas perhaps?

Feb 25, 2024 12:27 am

I have had a colostomy since 2017. I did not want it, but the doctor told me I had to have it after the colon resection did not work. After six months, he wanted to reattach my colon. I said NO; I had gotten OK with the colostomy. In fact, better than OK with it. I had been in and out of the hospital for many, many years with bowel blockage, and after six months and not one hospital visit, I knew it was a lifesaver. At four years of having it, I started having mucus drainage from my rectum stump. It intensified to the place where it was a constant drainage, and I was thinking of having my stump removed and rectum sewed shut (Barbie butt). But I came onto this website, went to the forums, and found a link for people who have mucus drainage. I found a person in one of the chats who told me what he had found out and what he did. I tried his solution, and it worked for me. The mucus stopped. BUT when I would do an enema, nothing would drain out and still doesn't. I am not having any problems, so I am not worried about it but think that maybe my hemorrhoids are now blocking drainage. I don't know if this is possible, but it is what I am thinking right now. Things change, so I am learning. Hope in some way this helps and that you find an answer.



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