Hi, I am 75 and 3 months post-ileostomy surgery. I also have a mucus fistula. I was in the hospital for 6 weeks prior to my operation as I was very ill, having had a bowel perforation, and they wanted to build me up before the operation.
I am still so very tired. I am getting out a little, walking, driving a short distance, having friends over for an afternoon, and even been out for brunch with friends a few times as I can eat scrambled egg on toast!
I really have to pace myself, only doing one thing a day, and am very happy to return to bed. I don't think I am dehydrated, as I am drinking two electrolyte drinks a day. Most people say it is early days and I am doing well. I know I am hard on myself, as the mind is willing but the body is weak. I feel I am in a continuous brain fog! Any suggestions or comments will be gratefully received. I had all my blood checked about 6 weeks ago and all was fine. The GP put me on folic acid.
Any suggestions or comments will be gratefully received.