Lots to think about with this. I can just give my experience.
A ring will work better than paste in my opinion.
Hollister CeraRing, Adapt ring, etc. They do way better than paste.
Hand lotions on your hands can cause problems because they get onto the bag or area.
Some shampoos and conditioners in the shower can cause issues with the seal. The moisturizers in them get into the bag and area in the shower.
What soap are you cleaning your stoma area with? Dial or Ivory with no scent or moisturizers is what I was told by my nurse.
Are you getting all the old adhesive off before applying a new one?
My regimen is:
Take the bag off with an adhesive remover wipe. DO NOT JUST PULL IT OFF!! Go slow so you don't rip the skin. If you rip the skin, it's going to cause issues with the wafer sticking. Get all the buildup of adhesive off of the area around my stoma and where the wafer was with one or two more adhesive remover wipes. Clean the area really well with soap and water on a paper towel, making sure to get all that adhesive remover off. Grab a new paper towel and soap up again if needed, and then rinse with a few more paper towels with water only on them. Repeat a few times with a new paper towel rinsing. Dry the area very, very well before applying new wafers.
Also, are your wafers cut to fit? Or do you cut them yourself? A new stoma will change size, so if the hole is too big or too small, it can cause leaks.
I hope some of this helps, and also, there are lots of YouTube videos on ostomy to help us.
It looks like you're getting a rash a bit from the leaking. Don't let that go on too much longer.
Best if you can get in with a stoma nurse.