HELP! Belly Button Fluid Leaking and Detaching Bag

May 13, 2024 2:30 am

We got out of the hospital 9 days ago and we have to replace the bag twice a day because fluid from the belly button leaks under the adhesive and detaches the bag.
Has anyone had this problem?

May 13, 2024 3:45 am

Why does your belly button leak?

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May 13, 2024 5:29 am

No, I have not had that problem...

Holy misplaced appliance, Batman. Call the doctor a Joker, because he messed up the placement, it seems. Or-

You are probably leaking from your button due to surgery. That isn't right. 9 days new to this? Welcome, my friend. You haven't seen anything yet...

Mine is close to my button, but I can see stitches there, and I can see how it could leak from that area, spoiling the seal.

Get it checked.

One should never have leaks like that. Nope.

May 13, 2024 5:30 am
Reply to AlexT

He probably forgot to button it. 😆

May 13, 2024 7:26 am

In my two major operations, they went through the navel both times. It was the last incision to heal by a long shot, wept a lot but didn't cause an issue, just annoying. Are you using flange extenders? They may help.


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

May 13, 2024 12:44 pm

Belly button fluid from what, may I ask? And have you cut the side of your wafer so it doesn't sit over the belly button?

May 13, 2024 11:15 pm

My stoma was very close to my belly button, and I had trouble with the flange lifting from that edge. I only had one blowout at work. I was lucky to have it reversed at 3 months. I ended up cutting the flange biased away from my belly button to offset it from that area. It worked for me.

May 14, 2024 9:47 am
Reply to Beth22

It's just abdominal fluid. They use the navel here as another access point for keyhole surgery.

May 15, 2024 2:15 am
Reply to Axl

Really? Well, do they do it robotically then?

May 15, 2024 9:48 am
Reply to Beth22

No robotic, they call it advanced laparoscopic surgery. I have had the colon and rectum removed and a J-pouch created, taking three separate procedures, then J-pouch disconnected and back to the ileo. I only have one 3" - 4" inch horizontal scar very low on my pelvic bone, which they went through twice, which was just to remove the unwanted parts. Other than that, there were four 1 cm incisions around the perimeter of the abdominal cavity and another in the navel for the gas, camera, and instruments to be introduced, none of which have left a scar.

May 15, 2024 11:27 am
Reply to Axl

Hey, interesting, sounds kind of similar to robotic arm surgery. In robotic surgery, they have 3 arms and a camera, so the three smaller arms are in your stomach in three different spots, and the bigger one has the camera that is inserted in the middle. If you look at pictures, it looks like an octopus or a claw from that claw machine game where you try and get the stuffed animal. The doctor controls the robotic arms from behind the machine. It actually gives a 180-degree view of everything and is more precise than doing it all by hand. Now, they don't use it for ileostomy surgery here, but they use it for a lot of other surgeries. I have had the robotic arm surgery done 6-7 times for other things, my hysterectomy, my colon removal, and for other things. It works way better than a traditional laparoscopy. They are able to move and look around and under other organs in the body without having to do an open surgery. Pretty trippy, and recovery time is cut in half with less scarring and infection rate. But like I said, they don't do it for creating ileostomy here but many other things.

May 15, 2024 1:14 pm
Reply to Beth22

Very similar at the end of the day. The wife just had a hip replacement 3 weeks ago. They use the robot for that now too.

May 24, 2024 12:29 pm
Reply to Axl

It has become very popular to do surgeries that way.