Summer Heat, Sweating, and Ostomy Leaks - Tips Needed

May 14, 2024 11:49 pm

Hi everyone, I'm a newbie both here and to ostomy (not quite 5 weeks). I had my first "blowouts" last week, which now has me thinking about summer. I'm a big boater, jet skier, paddleboarder, and am now suddenly "pre-worrying" because I read that bag adhesion is more difficult in the heat (not to mention water). Living in the South, summer is nothing but hot—skin always "glowing." Thoughts, tips? Also, I am planning on using a filter sticker and catheter cover sheets (plastic sheets with adhesive around the edges) to help keep the water off the bag. I did buy a "cover," but it leaks even in the shower.

Mysterious Mose
May 15, 2024 12:19 am

I haven't had any problems with summer heat other than some itching due to sweat around the band of my underwear. I wear my shorts over the bottom of the tape. Most of my itching comes from around the outer edge of the wafer tape, and I use calamine spray to help relieve it. No problems with tape coming loose. That only happens when I am careless during changes, like forgetting to warm the wafer before application.


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May 15, 2024 12:24 am
Reply to Mysterious Mose

Thank you for the reply... Good to hear you don't have problems in the heat. One less thing for me to worry about.

May 15, 2024 1:21 am

Never had an issue in really hot/humid weather. You may find that you need to change your setup a little more often if you're gonna be bouncing around on the waves regularly, getting wet/sweaty a lot. I'd also consider getting some sort of belt to hold everything tight to your skin/body. Enjoy, don't let an ostomy dictate what you do in life, especially for fun.

May 15, 2024 1:28 am

Having a stoma should not define you. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy your boating. Remember, hydration is very important, so stay and watch your hydration.


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

May 15, 2024 2:26 am
Reply to AlexT

Thank you for the belt suggestion, I'll look into it.

May 15, 2024 4:18 am

Hi Ostomychic,

Just wanted to say welcome aboard. We have a great bunch of people on here who have first-hand experiences in anything and everything you can think of. So feel free to ask any questions ❓ xx

May 15, 2024 9:53 am

You should have no trouble with warm weather or water. I would just be looking for a simple elastic waistband, think boob tube, under your clothes to stop your bag from flapping around.

May 15, 2024 4:08 pm

Hi OC,

Most don't have issues with the heat and being in the water, but some do. There have been folks on here that have complained they sweat a lot and can't get the adhesion most do, and others have had adhesion problems when swimming or in the pool. I'm not sure everyone who has replied understands what Georgia heat is like, and humidity doesn't make things any better. It's going to be trial and error for you as we move into summer, so be prepared to try different things. Stock up on free samples from the major suppliers now, so you don't go into panic mode if what you're using isn't working. The most important thing is to not let your skin issues... if you have any... get out of control. So keep an eye on things, maybe change your barrier a day earlier at first to make sure you're maintaining adhesion and not having leaks start, and you'll have a great summer.


May 15, 2024 8:12 pm

I use double the supplies in summer. Heat, humidity, and increased physical activity shorten my wear time. Sweating and bending more is an issue for me.

May 15, 2024 9:01 pm

I wish I could speak more to water sports, but for me, I'm out in the heat quite often in summer, and I've been in the water enough to feel confident saying it's never really been an issue. You may find wear time is shortened, but as long as you stay on top of it, you should be a-okay.

That being said, I have one small anecdote. I use Hollister New Image; the pouch has a soft fabric-like outside. In summer or in situations where the heat is higher than usual, the sweat from my leg absorbs a bit into the fabric and always tricks me into thinking I have a leak. If you by any chance use New Image and feel like you might be leaking, I suggest staying calm and just checking yourself in the bathroom before letting panic set in. I've had so many false alarms I just feel like trying to save others from it, lol.

May 17, 2024 12:39 am

Have you heard of "ease strips" or "barrier extenders" for helping? Every company seems to have something like it. I personally use the ease strips and they help.

Like others have said, the manufacturers give out free samples so it doesn't hurt to try them.

May 18, 2024 9:50 pm

I find the heat helps with adhesion. It keeps the wafer flexible. If I am in the water a lot surfing or boogie boarding, I find I get less total wear time but not too bad. Enjoy your summer!

May 19, 2024 6:47 am

I'm a kayaker (usually wet suit or dry suit here in the North of the UK). Never had any problem even if the bag is wet all day. I agree that a 'wrap' around the midriff definitely helps stop any active movement. BUT... at only 5 weeks post-op, I would really recommend a hernia belt for at least a few months to give your muscles support while they are still healing and strengthening.

I speak from experience of hernias and having had mine repaired (again) and stoma resited.

Fairy Godmother
May 19, 2024 12:04 pm

Hi Ostomy Chik, I am a newbie as well (8 weeks post urostomy surgery) and was wondering what happens during summer.

Just ordered this belt, it won't prevent the bag from getting wet, but provides moderate support.

Best wishes for your recovery and getting back in the water.


May 19, 2024 1:06 pm

Hola, I live in a very warm and humid climate, and I find that chlorinated water definitely compromises the wafer longevity for me. I am in the pool a lot, so I'm extra cautious and careful about checking for leaks. I use the Convatec Natura 2-piece system, which isn't the best in my opinion, but it's the only product my skin will tolerate. The chlorine didn't seem to affect the Durahesive wafer as much, but that particular adhesive was much too harsh on my skin. I've had my ileostomy for 10 years, and I've only had a handful of blowouts when I try to extend the wear time beyond 3 days. Since my stoma is flush with my skin, any leaks that occur happen right where the wafer adhesive covers my belly button since there isn't a perfect seal there. I eat plant-based, so my diet is extremely high in fiber, and my thick output tends to pool towards the top of my bag, and that's always the cause of my blowouts. I haven't found anything to help my output slide down towards the bottom of the bag when it's super thick. I drink a tremendous amount of water to help combat the thicker consistency and manually push the contents down to keep this from being an issue. Sweating and heat don't seem to be an issue for me, though. Happy summer fun to everyone!

May 19, 2024 1:19 pm
Reply to ostomychik

Alex is right. In fact, I think he recommended it to us. Using a belt helped my husband. We also use a tape called Cica Solution Soft Ostomy Tape. It's a little pricey but did help eliminate leaks.

May 19, 2024 9:59 pm

I use a dressing retention sheeting by 6 in x 10 yds. Hypafix, cut it into 4 strips, peel off backing, and apply along edges of wafer.

Jane doe
Jun 02, 2024 2:05 pm
Reply to JD

You are so right about the barrier strips! Have not had a leak since I started using them!

Jane doe
Jun 02, 2024 2:16 pm
Reply to friendlymate

When my output is thick, I use Summer's Eve douche with water and spray the contents, and it slides right out. I keep two bottles by my toilet and wash, refill after use. My stoma was a year old in April, and the extenders and the bottles of water are lifesavers! I do have the midline two-piece, so I unlock the bag from the wafer and keep it clean throughout the day. Nighttime seems to be the heaviest output, plus gas. I would hate to think how many leaks I would have at night without the barrier strips. Gas and heavy output make the bag pull and loosen the wafer! Try it! It's a lifesaver! 👍