Looking for a Local Ostomy Nurse for Prolapsed Stoma Care

May 19, 2024 3:02 am

My surgery was an emergency and was done at a location over 3 hours from my home.

I've learned that there are no colorectal surgeons in my area that will take on my follow-up care because they didn't do the surgery. My stoma has prolapsed in 2 places. I've tried all the tricks, but they both pop out as soon as I bend.

The ostomy nurses from the manufacturers have been very helpful, but I would also like to find someone in my area. As a result of the 2 prolapsed areas, my stoma size has increased from 45mm to 57mm. The height has also increased. I don't know who to call.



May 19, 2024 3:53 am

Try your local hospital, as mine has wonderful ostomy nurses.

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May 19, 2024 4:11 am

Hi K,

As C said, try your local hospitals (plural). Ostomy nurses are under the Wound Care banner, so if the hospital operator has no clue what you mean, have them connect you to Wound Care. Then ask them for a recommendation for an ostomy nurse. Call all the hospitals in your area, as you never know which will have an ostomy nurse, and it's not always the biggest hospital. Also, ask each hospital if there are any support groups for ostomates locally. There's usually one not too far away, and if you find one, go and talk to the people there for good recommendations on an ostomy nurse in your area.


May 19, 2024 4:45 am


What you could research is "revision" surgery. Once a stoma prolapses, it's hard to fix without surgery.

I have a permanent colostomy with an oblong stoma, 57mm at its widest point, the maximum of my Hollister wafer. The stoma sticks out 1 to 2 inches depending on its activity. I also have a peristomal hernia. So... the whole thing sticks out quite a bit. I have no leak trouble, and the hernia is stable.

If I wanted to potentially improve the appearance, I would need surgical hernia repair with stoma revision.

In your case, you need revision surgery. If no colorectal surgeons are in your area, you're going to have to temporarily relocate or commute to a city that has these specialists.

This is the reason I remain in Southern California after retirement. Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach is a 10-minute drive from my home. I've had work friends retire, then "sell everything," leave crazy California, and move to a small city in another state. I warned them... what if you suffer a major medical mishap requiring advanced care?

This did happen. My retired friend suffered a mild heart attack while working in his garden. He was transported to the local medical clinic that had no advanced cardiac care. They made him comfortable. Then he was taken to the nearest bigger city. They didn't have advanced cardiac care either. A few days later, he was flown via life flight helicopter to a large hospital. But too much time had passed, he was very weak... and died. Age 64. He was only retired for 6 months. His widow at the funeral told me he might have survived had he received appropriate care right away.

Best of luck

ron in mich
May 19, 2024 12:34 pm

Hi Karen, if you go to uoaa.org, they have a segment on finding ostomy care and groups in your area's zip code.


How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

May 19, 2024 1:41 pm

Hi there, the hospital should have recommended a doctor for you to follow up with. If they didn't, call the hospital and tell them you didn't receive any follow-up instructions on where to go for follow-up care after emergency surgery. If you're having serious issues now, go to the ER.

May 19, 2024 4:27 pm

Cleveland Clinic in Weston, Florida, although quite a distance from you, has a superb ostomy/wound care staff. Perhaps you can reach out to them for a local recommendation. They may also do a virtual visit with you due to the distance. Best of luck.

May 19, 2024 4:34 pm
Reply to ron in mich

But don't get your hopes up. I contacted 4 supposedly in my area and never got even a single reply. Probably a lot of outdated info, but worth a try nonetheless.


May 21, 2024 5:20 pm

Cleveland Clinic Ft Lauderdale