Has Anyone Had Their Ostomy Site Relocated for Convenience?

Aug 09, 2024 6:02 pm

Has anyone found that they needed to have a permanent ostomy and the surgeon moved the site? When I was given the colostomy, the opening was placed just under my lowest left rib. When they removed a stricture and reconnected the colon, I was given an ileostomy and the small intestine stoma comes out in the exact same site.

Has anyone experienced the moving of the ostomy surgical site to a more convenient area of the abdomen?

Aug 09, 2024 7:23 pm

Yes, I have.  My original site was right belly, a few inches from the navel.  That lasted for decades.  In 2011, a breakdown just off from the stoma required the surgery to be re-done, whereupon they put it on the left side of my belly.  In fact, I drew an X on the spot that I selected; I wanted it a sufficient distance below the belt line.  The surgeon accommodated me.  I've had no issues since.  I suspect that many surgeons lack the practical knowledge about the daily functioning of a stoma and the related problems that we all encounter from time to time.  Misplacement of a stoma is a prime example.  Good luck to you.

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Aug 09, 2024 9:03 pm

Hey there,

Yes, mine has been moved 4 times for various reasons, but yes.

Aug 09, 2024 9:43 pm

I have a permanent ileostomy, and I had it relocated because it was in my waistline, and I couldn't keep a bag on it. So it was moved up from where it was. So, yes, I have had mine relocated.

Aug 12, 2024 4:23 am

When I had my temporary ileostomy, my stoma was on the right. Then, two years later with my end ileostomy, they moved it to the left. I think when the surgeons go in, they make that decision for different reasons as to what's going to work out better for us and decide to move or not to move depending on what they run into.


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