Seeking Advice on Stoma Placement for Colostomy Transition

Aug 13, 2024 8:53 pm

Hi Ostomates! I am having an upcoming proctectomy and I will be going from an ileostomy to a colostomy. The question is whether I can use the same location, which is about 2.75 inches/7 cm below the belly button (on the right side), or if the surgeon can create a new stoma lower. How low below your belly button is yours? What are the pros and cons of your location?

With my current stoma, I have to roll up my waistline since I cannot cover the stoma (I'm wondering if the stoma were lower, would you put clothes over it? Jeans?)

I use a convex bag, and it does seem visible at my current location.

Mysterious Mose
Aug 13, 2024 9:38 pm

Mine is in line with my navel. This is just above my normal belt line. It works for me, but I am not a female. :-)


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Aug 13, 2024 9:47 pm

My colostomy is just left of my belly button. I have no interference wearing pants or a belt. I can tuck a shirt in if I need to. It would drive me nuts if it were any lower and was in the way of wearing pants/belt. Plus, I'd think there'd be more wear and tear on your setup if it was always being rubbed on from pants. 🤷‍♂️

Aug 13, 2024 10:34 pm

Just seeing these few responses, I would note that this appears to be a very individual issue.  Alex likes his at navel level; when I had my ileostomy redone some years back, I purposely chose a spot about 3.75" below the navel on the left side.  My pants don't bother me, since the belt line is above the stoma and appliance.  If it was on my waistline or above, it would drive me bonkers.  With my stoma where it is, I can either wear bikini style underwear below it, or full size with a waistband.  I'm sure there are feminine issues I have no idea about that you'll consider too.  But since you say you already have an ileostomy, you ought to be ahead of the game in making this important decision.  My only advice is:  don't leave it to the surgeon, as he has no idea about post-surgical everyday issues we face daily.  You decide on placement if you're fortunate enough to be in a position to do that. 

Aug 14, 2024 1:34 am

What Henry said...

Mine is about the same location as his.

Of most importance is a flat surface, nowhere near folds or creases in the skin.


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Aug 14, 2024 2:05 am

Pick a location and sit down to make sure it is on a flat surface, as Axl stated. Mine is on the left side, approximately 1 inch below my belly button.

Aug 14, 2024 2:26 am

Hi Shar,

Everyone has different priorities when it comes to location, so try them both and see what you like better. Stick a new barrier wherever you're thinking of putting your stoma, partially fill the bag with something that mimics your output—water for liquidy, oatmeal for semi-solid, etc.—and get dressed and do your daily routine. It should be obvious which location you prefer!


Aug 14, 2024 3:05 am

Hi there,

You can point to a spot you want, but normally the final decision is the surgeon's. It has to be in one of your rectus abdominal muscles, and it should be placed on the flattest spot on your abdomen when you sit, stand, bend over, lift up your leg, etc. No creases or rolls, no scars. Mine has been relocated several times; right now, my ileo sits on the left side in line with my belly button. My favorite and best spot was pretty high up on my abdomen.

Aug 14, 2024 3:17 am

Get a sample pouch system from different suppliers and stick it on and test drive them, fill them with water or chocolate pudding for fun 🤩. They can hang down 8 to 12 inches. See how they ride and show.

Good luck.

Aug 14, 2024 4:26 am

I found this helpful. Once you decide on the location, mark the spot with an indelible magic marker. Mine was marked by my Ostomy Nurse. The surgeon later said he appreciated this.

Night owl
Aug 14, 2024 7:14 am

My stoma location was also marked by a stoma nurse prior to surgery. She made me sit, stand, bend over, etc., which was all very helpful. I have a colostomy, so the stoma is on the left side, about 3 inches below the belly button. Waistbands sit at the belly button level, so all bottoms go over the stoma. I usually fold up the pouch, and my underwear covers it all, then pants or whatever over that. It works well for me, and I am pretty overweight but with curves, if it matters.

Aug 14, 2024 2:19 pm
Reply to Night owl

Thank you so much for your response. I've wondered if there would be an issue of the bag getting too full since it's bunched up? Do you wear loose-fitting pants? I worry about compression of the stoma.

Aug 14, 2024 2:55 pm

Something else. Night owl mentioned she folds her pouch up and tucks everything in. She has a colostomy and the output of stool is different than an ileostomy, and folding up my pouch isn't really an option for me because it puts out loose stool throughout the day. And maybe something to consider.

Good luck.

Aug 15, 2024 1:08 am

I'm 5'6" 170 pounds. I didn't have the option of placement. The surgeon put my colostomy on the left side, in line with my belly button, about 3 inches away. It works well.

Aug 20, 2024 11:05 pm
Reply to Maried

Being that high up, you wear pants, I assume?

Aug 20, 2024 11:12 pm
Reply to Beth22

Being that high up, do you wear pants below, I assume? Did you ever have it low enough to tuck into your underwear? What were your advantages and disadvantages? Thank you!