Colo-Majic Liners: Practicality and User Concerns

Sep 15, 2024 7:40 pm

I was impressed with this product when I read about it, and they fit on my Convetec Natura system. After working with the fit and the whole idea, I realized the pouch must be removed to reach the liner and throw it away. Then I asked myself and Colo-Majic, what do I do if my stoma gets active while I have the pouch off? Now, here is the surprise: the only answer from Colo-Majic was for me to go see my nurse. One would think they would have the answer. Would anyone answer this question for myself and Colo-Majic? Thanks, Terry.

Mysterious Mose
Sep 15, 2024 9:39 pm

I am not sure why one would want to use pouch liners or any non-drainable bag with an ileostomy. Seems like a lot of additional trouble?


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Sep 15, 2024 11:17 pm
Reply to Mysterious Mose

If I could simply remove the liner, throw it away, and insert another, it would be great. However, with this design, you must remove the pouch, remove the liner, insert another liner, and reattach the pouch, and you're right, it's way too much trouble. T.

Sep 16, 2024 12:30 am

The liners have been discussed a few times here.

5 people will love them.

5 people don't understand using them.

Moose and I are 2 of those 5... others will chime in.

Some folks would rather toss than drain.

Others feel better draining.

Both are messy. But if the stoma is active, you've got some literal sheet coming to clean up.

Those liners should come with a cork! Run that by the rep when you give him a call.

You really have to know your output schedule/timing with those liners. I believe most members agree they are stupid and a waste of money and far too inconvenient.

Stay tuned for more entertaining comments.

Sep 16, 2024 2:19 am

Hi Triple X,

  The answer to your question is..........if your stoma gets busy while you have our bag/liner're shit out of luck and will have a mess on your hands.  There's no way not to expose your stoma while changing you're taking your chances.  It's simple as that.  I guess I'm in the majority that doesn't undertand why you would use liners instead of a drainable bag.  Maybe I'd understand if I was one of the lucky ostomates that only has output once or twice a day.  Since I don' just doesn't make any sense to use liners.........biodegradeable or not.



How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Sep 16, 2024 9:25 am

I know they probably make sense to someone, but that ain’t me. Gotta be about the dumbest thing for an ostomy….a bag that goes in a bag so the outer bag doesn’t get dirty. Yet, there’s still a bag getting dirty and likely more if you get active while removing the inner bag, but the outer bag will still be clean. 👍 However, you now have a bag full of shit in 1 hand, shit all over your stomach, your other hand is trying to clean it all up, and your outer bag is still clean. 👍👍 Now, 15 minutes later, a couple towels, half a roll of toilet paper, and possible a shower everything is clean, and your outer bag is still clean. 👍👍👍 Put your new liner in and 10 minutes later is filled with shit and the whole process starts over. 🙄 Or, use a drainable bag, empty, wipe the end clean, close it, and go on with your day. 🤷‍♂️👍👍👍👍👍👍

Sep 16, 2024 2:27 pm

I agree with all you guys, a liner is a total waist of time and money, and a bloody mess when Vesuvius decides to erupt. I recon if xxxlrt was to try using a drainable he would see the light. Give it a go XXX I works for 90% of us guys. regards IGGIE

Sep 16, 2024 3:44 pm

OK, I give and agree. 

Sep 16, 2024 5:38 pm
Reply to xxxltd

U got spanked. 😆 buttttt in a good way. 

Sep 16, 2024 11:05 pm

One last reply, perhaps most or all of you are able to sit down on a toilet just like always and empty your pouches, I cannot. I am 6' 6" tall and the drain from pouch lacks about 6" from reaching to toilet rim. No I cannot kneel, no can I bend over to accommodate my pouch. So literaly everything I do has to be invented by me, which I have successfully done for over a year. I am constantly looking for better and easier ways I can empty my pouch while standing up. I have made a medical stand and container to work for me when I am home. I carry 4 biodigradable doggie bags with me everytime I leave my home. I have built a small 3 gallon bucket that contains everything I may need to empty my pouch and remain on the water. I also carry a full backpack, just in case ( which has never happened). So what is easy for you is difficult for me. I'll be polite and just say, Thanks.

Sep 17, 2024 12:13 am
Reply to xxxltd

Empty into a container and then empty that into the toilet. How do you put on socks/shoes if you can’t bend?

Sep 17, 2024 12:48 am

Yup, that is what I do. Socks and shoes, I use a sock Donner and step in shoes, with a shoe horn if required, if you must know!

Sep 17, 2024 1:25 am
Reply to xxxltd

Hey.. welcome to the

joint " MacGyver "😄

You are u gunna be impressed with alot of products offered to ileostomates. As your detailed profile mentioned u fish, hunt, and travel.  I doubt any new ostomate ever leaves their home within the first year.

So good for u being active.- I'm impressed. 

BTW, I'm in the 1% maybe of osties that don't sit to empty.

So like u empty into a container and dump it into toilet. 

I can bend and sit but I don't need to do that cause this is easier I feel.  Easier for me. Cleaner.. but going out, yea gotta bend squat a bit with my drainable... have u thought abt throw away 2 piece system that is a closed pouch? 

Wouldn't need much to do a toss and change in a bathroom stall.

Just saying easy and less messy. Toilet paper ( if yur lucky to get a stall with it) is plentiful.

They make a large sized- longer bag which I use and u may benefit from.  Have u heard of it? 

Being 6' 6" surely u had other challenges in yur life prior the osty.. it sounds like u can part the Red Sea.👍

As for myself, Bad knees are a bitch as we age.. compounded with arthritis in fingers, u find ways around those issues.

You will be fine dude.  Stick around. Guarantee u will be more impressed with our tricks, advice, awesomeness  of the this group..and...some off the wall , tongue and cheek humor.


Sep 17, 2024 6:03 am
Reply to warrior

Huh? Nobody does stuff within a year?  That’s funny. 😂 I think a good chunk of people go on with life and adjust to their new normal. Those that sit and dwell on what’s happened never go forward towards the light and get a sore neck looking back at their past issues. I hunted, fished, remodeled the upstairs of my house, took care of the yard, dog to the lake regularly, both my kids got married, etc. I truly hope nobody is sitting at home believing that they can’t do anything cause they have an ostomy, that’s sad if that’s going on. 

Sep 17, 2024 9:26 am
Reply to AlexT

ALEX, you're like Superman. Even shit bounces off you. 

This guy is almost 80 yrs old. Having an ileo this August and doing what he says in this situation is amazing.  I needed 7 months to even get back to work in April of this year. U forget some ppl don't heal as fast others with compromised health issues or a bad surgeon messing you up, or just plain introverted. 

I think there's also alot of ppl not with your mind set out here..yur a positive vibe and tell ppl to get over it.  Some aren't at this point. You have read their stories here.  

This guy xxxltd is obviously in better shape at 79 than most ppl in their 60's having stoma surgery.

Unless he's not telling everything, his only obstacle is height. I should be that lucky, dude. And...alot..alot of ppl not most have pity parties. 

Sep 17, 2024 10:27 am
Reply to warrior

I don’t look at profiles so I have no idea on how old people are. I had a 2 inch deep hole in my butt when I did all that, so I probably don’t heal as fast as others either. 🤷‍♂️ My point was….adapt, overcome, adjust, and then enjoy. 

Sep 17, 2024 11:18 am
Reply to AlexT

Agreed on yur point. . And I take note..u don't view profiles. 👍 I also had a deep hole from abcess off to the side of butt hole.. . It sucked healing. Set me back 3 months. 

Sep 17, 2024 2:03 pm
Reply to xxxltd

Hi triple x,

 Well..........that would explain things!  Thanks for the info.  Just goes to show we can never assume anything about fellow ostomates.


Sep 17, 2024 4:23 pm
Reply to warrior

Thanks Warrior, I neglected to mention I play golf twice a week as well, again I carry flushable, biodegradable doggie bags in my front pocket and TP if needed in my back pocket, restrooms are well placed and all my buddies understand when I need to putt out and head to the RR. The only throw away bags I need are the flushable doggie bags, I can use them anywhere, as long as I can lean ( bend) over my clothing is the way, the doggie bag is flushable so I drop it in the toilet clean the drain and I am gone.  TP, I always try to carry some folded in my back pocket. While watching our local news you may often see me, rolling off 3 or4 sheets of TP and folding in half for use at home or on the road, I'll do 2 rolls at a time, will last me a week. No need for a longer bag (pouch) I empty mine 5 to 6 times a day, its a lot but I like it empty.  I have lymphdema in one leg which slows down my kneeling and yes at 80 arthritis in my hands is a bitch, I use aspircream in the a.m. which helps. I am not shy about talking about my pouch I have even named it, every one needs a side kick and Cisco had Poncho, so I stole the name and I call my side kick "Poncho".  Terry