Seeking Alternatives or Tips for Longer Use of Ostomy Products

Jan 03, 2025 10:15 pm

I got my illeostomy in 1978 and have always used the Hollister one piece with Karaya seal, which they discontinued last year. I am currently using a one piece with the Cera-ring which is working okay, but the price to use these is almost twice what I was paying for the others. I was told I would get 2 -5 days out of the new ones and so far am averaging about 2.5 days. At $15 a pop that adds up quick. Any suggestions as to something else or a way to elongate the usage time of the ones I am using currently? Thanks. 

Jan 04, 2025 9:21 am

Hell Cack.
 Thanks for sharing your problem. 
When I first started with a stoma, I had problems with almost all of the sample bags they sent me and I concluded that the issues lay with the wafers not sticking properly to my skin. My solution was to make my own baseplates and stick the bags to them. This resolved the issue and some of the bags lasted months.

There are photos of my baseplates on my profile, but (at first) they were simple free DIY devices made out of PVC skirting board, held on with  a narrow belt and stuck with a prosthetic glue. Nowadays, I have adapted a convex , 2 piece, Assura irrigation press plate, 12820 60mm. which will accommodate a 12836 irrigation sleeves (which last about 6 months) and their equivalent 60mm bag (which lasts about a month or two - until it splits at the seam).
I do not need to worry about cost because the stoma equipment is supplied by the NHS on a free at the point of need. However, there is little point in wasting stuff that doesn't work, so finding solutions that do work seems to be the best way forward. 
 Many people on here do not need to resort to DIY, so hopefully you will get some replies that resolve the problems without having to make your own baseplates. 
Best wishes


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Jan 04, 2025 12:36 pm

Could you go to a 2 piece system if the wafer part is cheaper than a 1 piece bag? I’ve never priced ostomy products so I don’t know if just the wafer on a 2 piece is cheaper than a 1 piece bag. 🤷‍♂️

Jan 05, 2025 3:25 am

What is preventing you from using the appliance for more than 2-3 days 🤔

Jan 06, 2025 5:15 am
Reply to aTraveler

That is just how long they last. When I remove them after that time it is because the itch is driving me crazy and the seal has not held. 


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister
