Switching to Drainable Pouches Before Surgery - Advice Needed?

Jan 26, 2025 8:51 pm


Halleluiah! My colostomy take-down surgery is now scheduled - just 4 weeks away. I picked up the paperwork and prescriptions from both my gastroenterologist and surgeon this past week. I am in the process of putting together a detailed schedule of what I have to do the day before my surgery. I have been using closed Hollister pouches this whole time, but my gastroenterologist advised me to switch to drainable pouches while I'm doing the liquid diet and the bowel prep, and even with that, I could have "a blowout". I have two pouch samples (Hollister 18183 - 12" long) I had received from Hollister, but I'm thinking I will need more than that in case of blowout or too much volume. The prescription bowel prep I'm using (the only one that works for me due to my allergies) is Sutab. It involves taking 12 pills with 48 ounces of water, twice (the night before, and then again 6 hours before the procedure/surgery). Prior to starting the Sutab, I also will have been on liquids all day long. So...I expect a lot of liquid pouring through the bags for about 24 hours (and parking myself on the commode with my Kindle for several hours - this is not my first rodeo with this prep.) ANY RECOMMENDATIONS ON HOW MANY POUCHES I MIGHT NEED? I also will have to save at least one to wear into the hospital the morning of the surgery. Appreciate any recommendations...

Jan 26, 2025 9:15 pm

Congrats on the upcoming takedown reversal.

As an ileo, I can only advise that normal liquid output for me is every two hours. I use a drainable pouch. I use a Cera O ring with a flange mount and belt. If you also use those C strip extenders, blowouts are somewhat controlled. You won't end up wearing your poo; you will see it breach and act accordingly.

But pouch changes won't be required as you know. You drain, seal, and wait. Blowouts for me (rarely) happen at nighttime.

Your new output is gonna be like on steroids! Massive!! 😲

Get as many bags as possible. You can donate the unused ones later on. Be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Can't hurt.

Hope this helps.

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Jan 26, 2025 10:17 pm

I've been thinking about this recently. I will need another coloscopy in July/Aug (long way off but I'm trying to think ahead). My plan is to get a whole box of drainable bags (10 in a box I think). 

Easy for me to plan that because I'll still have a colostomy when over. Harder for you since you are naturally reluctant to waste too many. But as warrior says, you can donate the leftovers

Jan 26, 2025 10:51 pm
Reply to SusanT

Thank you - I've been thinking about getting a box of 10 from Amazon, just in case. I don't want to deal with Byram again because they'd have to go through the whole prescription mess again. I'd call Hollister again for samples, but not sure they would send me that many. They are on to me by now, LOL.

What part of Michigan are you from? I grew up in a small town west of Saginaw, went to MSU, and still have family in Cadillac and Petoskey.

Jan 26, 2025 11:02 pm

Near the end of this year I'll be prepping for a colonoscopy through my colostomy.

I use Hollister 18194 drainable bags. My plan for the prep... sit on the toilet with the bag drain open and let it flow. I have a Toto ADA elongated bowl toilet. Comfy.

I am not looking forward to it.


How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jan 27, 2025 1:29 am

My last samples from Coloplast were 3 one-piece drainables.

As warrior mentioned, you shouldn't need to change much.

My last prep was using GoLytely. I drank half a gallon the day before and the other half the morning of, leaving 4 hours of nothing before the procedure. My prep the day before left time in the evening to slow everything down almost completely before bedtime.

Drainable pouches are so much better for that much output! Sometimes multiple times before you can even button back up! Lay out tissue on the water to avoid splashing.

Jan 27, 2025 8:45 am

Hello Newbi24.
If you want to try something other than changing bags during a period of high output. I would recommend asking for some samples of irrigation sleeves. These have similar connectors/wafers to the bags but the sleeves are about 3feet long. They can be folded up to make a 'big' bag. Also, they are very easy to empty into the toilet without splashback and simple to rinse out because the exit end can be put directly under the tap. which makes it convenient to rinse and then pour down the toilet. 
I use them every night as a 'bag', which means I don't need to worry about blowouts as the sleeves can hold enormous amounts of output.
Just a thought.

Best wishes


Feb 02, 2025 11:00 pm

Update on drainable pouches for surgery bowel prep:  I called Hollister, and they recommended the 12" drainable pouches, and they were nice enough to send me 4 more, so with my previous samples, I now have 6 total. Good enough for the 2 days before surgery and I won't have to buy any. If all goes well on February 21st, I will come home minus a stoma and will be put back together again. I have my pre-op admission appointment this coming week. I've also been working with the rest of my care team to prepare me for surgery: my hypnotherapist (working on anxiety), my acupuncturist (helping to drain the extra fluid in the lower belly), and my physical therapist (core abdominal exercises.) Lots of appointments involved, but I will be more than ready. I'll let you know how it goes.
