Halleluiah! My colostomy take-down surgery is now scheduled - just 4 weeks away. I picked up the paperwork and prescriptions from both my gastroenterologist and surgeon this past week. I am in the process of putting together a detailed schedule of what I have to do the day before my surgery. I have been using closed Hollister pouches this whole time, but my gastroenterologist advised me to switch to drainable pouches while I'm doing the liquid diet and the bowel prep, and even with that, I could have "a blowout". I have two pouch samples (Hollister 18183 - 12" long) I had received from Hollister, but I'm thinking I will need more than that in case of blowout or too much volume. The prescription bowel prep I'm using (the only one that works for me due to my allergies) is Sutab. It involves taking 12 pills with 48 ounces of water, twice (the night before, and then again 6 hours before the procedure/surgery). Prior to starting the Sutab, I also will have been on liquids all day long. So...I expect a lot of liquid pouring through the bags for about 24 hours (and parking myself on the commode with my Kindle for several hours - this is not my first rodeo with this prep.) ANY RECOMMENDATIONS ON HOW MANY POUCHES I MIGHT NEED? I also will have to save at least one to wear into the hospital the morning of the surgery. Appreciate any recommendations...