Hartman's pouch leakage - Is it normal?

Jul 10, 2011 7:20 pm
So the reason I didn't reverse my colostomy was because of uncontrollable diarrhea. I was happy to have a life again. The rectal vault was completely inactive and I clean it twice a year. 2004-2006 I had severe fistulating Crohn's disease.

Forward 5 years. I was camping this weekend and my rectal pouch decided to flush mass amounts of clearish/yellow fluid, especially when my bladder was the littlest amount full. It slowed down and stopped after 2 days. My stoma was flushing high volumes, also. Everything was going at once. It finally stopped, but I think it's because I ended up severely dehydrated, so nothing more to flush.

Is it "normal" for the pouch to flush also? My Crohn's came out of remission this year. Is it possible to have a new start of it in the pouch, although it's retired from use? Could it possibly be a fistula to the bladder that self-sealed?

Also this time around, when I get dehydrated my knee-calves-ankle-feet blow up huge with edema. Is this normal? I have an appointment on 8/2 but thought I'd get some real-life feedback vs. textbook. Especially since I haven't been textbook thus far, ha ha.

Thanks, Marcella
Jul 11, 2011 10:11 am

I think that you should go and see your doctor about this as it doesn't sound right.


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elli bean
Jul 12, 2011 7:37 am

I have a Hartmann's pouch and I get leakage too. I often go to the washroom upwards of ten times a day to "poop" this weird watery yellowish or sometimes brownish goo. I also get quite a bit of blood during and after sexual relations with my boyfriend. The bleeding lasts around 24 hours. I had a large perirectal abscess last year that has since healed after having my ostomy placed (and then taken down, and an end sigmoid one created), but I think it might be back, or something worse. I know it's not normal, but right now I don't have health care, even though I'm Canadian, because of an administrative screwup.

Jul 12, 2011 7:53 pm

Thanks for the feedback. Sorry to hear you don't have healthcare coverage. I will post again if I get any answers. My GI seemed surprised that I'd never had leakage when I asked about it after my colonoscopy in March.

Jul 26, 2011 2:13 am

What exactly is a Hartman's Pouch? That's what I was told that I have, due to "pelvic outlet dysfunction/obstruction."
I no longer have a colo-rectal Dr.
My output is about nil, and has been for quite a while.
Noticing near-horrific pressure and pains and yesterday, I passed some tiny tan mucousy stuff, a lot of times. Feels as if it'll be diarrhea, but it isn't. But it wasn't much. No relief. Barely any gas comes out.
Pains and fullness in the stomal area, all the way through.
Griping pains, and I am sure I am "full." Lot of pressure.
I notice that when I unsnap the bag and snap it shut, that sometimes pushes a tiny bit of air or an even tinier bit of stool out.
Miralax didn't help...maybe I've taken it for too long.
Prune juice doesn't do much.
The surgeon would never explain the surgery to me, in any way.
What tests are used to diagnose leaks, blockages, etc.?
Sorry so many questions, but I've had a ton of problems with the ostomy.
Can you tell that I have quite a time with my explanations?


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Jul 26, 2011 4:49 am
mis010fit wrote: "What exactly is a Hartman's Pouch? That's what I was told that I have, due to "pelvic outlet dysfunction/obstruction."
I no longer have a colo-rectal Dr.
My output is about nil, and has been for quite a while.

The Hartman's Pouch is the empty "vault" left when they hook up an ostomy. It is from the disconnected end of the intestine to the anus. Unless they take the whole colon, clear to the anus, you have a H. pouch.
Noticing near-horrific pressure and pains and yesterday, I passed some tiny tan mucousy stuff, a lot of times. Feels as if it'll be diarrhea, but it isn't. But it wasn't much. No relief. Barely any gas comes out.

The POUCH STILL "poops". The tan/mucousy stuff is normal. Although unused for eating waste, the lining will still slough off dead cells as normal. When the vault fills enough, pressure will push the waste (but no longer fecal) out. Like a zit. You should be flushing the vault 2x a year (at least) with an enema. It's like a douche for the pouch. It keeps it clean and prevents internal rupture should it not drain through the anus as it should.
to be continued.....
Jul 26, 2011 4:53 am

I'm having trouble with my keyboard....I'll be back to finish my reply.