Hey, I was just like you. I had my operation and came out of the hospital thinking my life was over and that I would never be able to have a relationship again. Although at the time I was in a long-term relationship, within 12 months we split, which was my fault because I just couldn't come to terms with it all. I had such a bad experience in the hospital and knew I had a long battle ahead of me. I couldn't get my head right.
One day shortly after the split, I was feeling the best I had felt in a long time and decided enough was enough and that I was going to go out and get a new girlfriend. Within a week, I ended up getting together with a girl who was 8 years younger than me and, in my opinion, stunning. She knew that I had been ill but didn't know that I had a stoma, and I didn't tell her for probably 4 months. When we got intimate, I always kept my t-shirt on and I taped my bag down so it wouldn't be noticed. Eventually, I told her and it didn't make any difference at all. If you have found the right person, they are with you for you, and it really doesn't matter about anything else, which was such a relief to me.
I now find myself single again after 3.5 years with the girl I met, single for reasons not related to my ileostomy. But again, I find myself going through this same thought process as you - who wants a man with all my problems? My confidence has been knocked for 6! But when you meet someone, within 5 - 10 minutes, you know that this person is for you and you are probably fully clothed with a drink in your hand. By the time you're close with each other and ready to tell them, nothing will change how they or you should feel. Get out and enjoy yourself. After the first time you start talking to people, you will feel so much more confident... and I will try to take a dose of my own medicine!