A new word!

Sep 21, 2011 2:16 pm
Almost 33 years with an ileostomy and I thought I had heard it all. Wrong! In a recent posting on a FB ostomy page a lady from Brazil, using Google Translator to translate from her native Potuguese into English, said that she was happy to find the page because she too was "ileostomized." What I great word! I told her I'm stealing it

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Past Member
Sep 25, 2011 7:20 am
That is a great word...let's get it out there...thanks for clueing us in on it...
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Sep 26, 2011 6:07 pm
I like being able to be specific like that  - ileostomized, colostomized, urostomized.  While not an exact generic version, (that would be stomized), I've used stomacized, for lack of a better already existing word, to describe myself or a family as in "when I got home from the hospital my family became stomacized".
Sep 27, 2011 12:41 am
I think we're on to something here!
Sep 27, 2011 1:08 am
thanks very much LOVE IT hehehehe  claps to all HAHAHAHAH- ileostomized  just copy and pasted stolasized hehehe tackqua yeah lalua- eeeeeeee

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hehehehehehe fidle de deeee

Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Sep 28, 2011 7:54 am
Uh-oh.  I mispoke.  Just reread a post I wrote a short while ago and realized that while in this topic I posted that I've used "stomacized", in the previous topic, what I said was "stomatized" with a "t" in the middle, not a "c".  Can't decide now which I like better.   Any opinions are welcome.

Ms Mooza - Fiddle de dee  yourself.  Guess since we can no longer "make wind", that makes us "Gone with the Wind".
Sep 28, 2011 9:42 am

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Dont be cheecky hahahahahah

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this ozzie sheila too quick for you !! hahahaha

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Sep 28, 2011 9:55 am
Ms Mooza -

I was looking at how evil those little Emoticons look - the ones sticking out their tongues.  Please tell me if I'm wrong - for the first time I took a good look at the other ones.   Those guys dressed in blue look like they're actually mooning me.  Those dirty little Emoticons.

Biggest thrill I've had in quite a while.  Thanks.

Sep 28, 2011 10:41 am
ooops you got your thrills on blue berry hills

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or aliens cheeks lol ...darn how did u sneak in i

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didnt see i avtually dont look who pops in i was writing u a quick message that i lost TWICE arggh

You are sooo funny lalu thank for the laugh darlz..

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Sep 29, 2011 12:02 am
Same to you, Ms Mooza.  Sometimes you really make my day.
Oct 04, 2011 3:24 pm
as a urostomate , I was Debladderized....  

People who have a Barbie Butt have been Debumalizated.......
Oct 05, 2011 8:14 am
That's adorable, vulcanBMk2!