I had C.diff for over 4 years and had tried every medication that was avaliable, I had 2 fecal transplants, and it was starting to effect other parts of my health. My kidneys were only functioning in the 70%s and I was retaining over 20 lbs of water, I couldnt sleep, I couldnt go out, I was constantly on the toliet. I had seen many different GI specialists and Colo-Rectal surgeons and they had me tested for other things just to make sure they werent taking me colon out and going to find out I had some auto-immune disease and taking the colon out didnt help at all. Well I had my colon out on May 11 2012 and after 6 months so in early November I can have a reversal, has anyone ever had one? Any suggestions?
Thanks so much
I had C.diff for over 4 years and had tried every medication that was avaliable, I had 2 fecal transplants, and it was starting to effect other parts of my health. My kidneys were only functioning in the 70%s and I was retaining over 20 lbs of water, I couldnt sleep, I couldnt go out, I was constantly on the toliet. I had seen many different GI specialists and Colo-Rectal surgeons and they had me tested for other things just to make sure they werent taking me colon out and going to find out I had some auto-immune disease and taking the colon out didnt help at all. Well I had my colon out on May 11 2012 and after 6 months so in early November I can have a reversal, has anyone ever had one? Any suggestions?
Thanks so much