Using a Nutribullet with an Ileostomy: Safe Ingredients?

Sep 18, 2012 1:08 pm
Hi everyone   i have an iliostomy since i have rectal cancer and had a tumor removed     my question is i purchased a nutriblast blender  the new one that immulsifies food and i wanted to know if anybody else has tried it with an iliostomy? ive asked the website and nobody knows if it would be safe for me as far as what ingredients to use   im worried about a blockage and what foods i can try such as mangos strawberries ect  as those foods i cant eat in their regular form  i hope someone can help me  im frustrated    Janiece
Sep 28, 2012 9:40 am
Hi Janiece,

I have a "Ninja" and throw all kinds of stuff in there for my smoothies. The only fruit so far that has me pause is blackberries because of the hard seeds. But if I strain it that even flies

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Rule of thumb I am coming to realize is chew chew chew. The "Ninja" effect is of course more chewing than I could ever

I have recently met a 20 year ostomate. She even eats popcorn! When I asked her about grapes she looked shocked and said "What? Am I not supposed to eat them?" ...hahaha....Thank goodness ignorance was bliss in her case! She did say that she was very careful the first 1-2 years.

But I do understand your concern. My first ileostomy stopped working within a short time so with the second surgery I was really afraid to eat! Now I get bolder with each day. Just chew chew chew!

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(still haven't eaten grapes or popcorn....that will wait)

Does that help?

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Oct 01, 2012 7:04 am
Hi Janiece,  I've had my Ileostomy for 2 years this September.  I wasn't told much about diet except try to eat a soft bland diet!  I said what?  LOL!  so little by little, i added foods that I had always eaten before.  I got the cuisinart soup maker blender,,,blended food is great,almost all veggies, and fruits, except raspberry seeds, are good.  it is better than the "chew chew chew!"  I read about blockages on the Ostomy sites, it really scared me.  i am lucky to have a good friend who has had an Ileostomy for over 12 years,,,she can eat almost everything she had eaten before the ostomy.   We both can eat corn, popcorn, strawberries, grapes cooked,tomatoes, cooked peppers, celery, onions, cauliflower, broccolli, as well as most raw veggies,,,all in moderation, and added a little at a time,,,and always combined with other foods. I eat yogurt, cottage cheese, other kinds of cheese, eggs, i drink V-8, and fruit juices, small amounts ,,,, I wish there had been some kind of education when I had mine done.  all the Ostomy nurses said was to try different foods,,,and didn't explain anything about blockages.  I felt like I had to fend for myself, but I was very lucky to have my girlfriend to guide me.  good luck

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Oct 02, 2012 12:00 am
I had my Ileostomy in 1980 due to Ulcerative Colitis.

In the beginning I ate soft food, NOT emulsivided. Your stoma has to get use to what you pass.

After a few months I ate every normal food, including nuts, as long as you chew it right.

The only item I have problems with is corn. Corn is hard to chew fine, but lucky that they are small enough and I usually pass them whole with no problem at all.. Now, after so many years, I eat everything. No problem mon (as they say in Jamaica).

You have to get your stoma get used to harder food.