Emotional Vent

Oct 08, 2012 3:17 am
Please before i start i really hope i do not affend anyone this not my intention i just need to get some crap out of my head . In the last 2 years i had cancer removed from my bladder 3 times had my sack split open twice to have cysts removed and got my stoma. The last

2 months my friend Bill has been on my mind i have known him for over 35 years he is 6 months older then me . We spent many nights in the wet and the cold and the dark working to get a machine ready to work the next morning .He was tough as nails .My friend in the past 2 years was fighting a brain cancer tumor at one time they had it under control but it came back with a vengence and he was to weak to fight anymore and medicine was not helping or working he spent his last month in the hospital on morphine untill he passed away.I miss my friend . I got my stoma because i had uc and what uc did not damage cancer did my colon is completely gone accept for the anus stump .When i feel sorry for my self i think of my friend . I really have no reason to feel sorry I AM ALIVE . So i poop in a bag that is better than in my pants . My stoma saved my life and has given me a chance to have a fairly normal life .

Thks Ed
Oct 08, 2012 5:40 am
Hello foxbody,

Thanks for sharing your feelings. I can certainly identify with your vent at this time. It is so difficult coping emotionally with the loss of those who have been close to us. Even many years after the event I still get emotional at times when I ponder on friendships that are now just memories.  However, at least we are here and can recall these times we had with our friends.

The concept of it being better to poo in a bag rather than in your pants is a thing that I can identify with as it is what I also tell myself when I'm in a melancholy mood.

Best wishes. Bill
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Past Member
Oct 08, 2012 11:57 am

Crap away!
(pun, as always, intended)
Oct 17, 2012 6:08 am
Hi Foxbody, Kvetch away. Lord knows there is always something to bitch about.

   Sorry about the loss of your friend. Seems to be a lot of that happening. Lost a long time friend myself July 25th. May they go with the angels.

Happy World Ostomy Month.

Be Well.

Oct 17, 2012 6:08 am
Hi Foxbody, Kvetch away. Lord knows there is always something to bitch about.

   Sorry about the loss of your friend. Seems to be a lot of that happening. Lost a long time friend myself July 25th. May they go with the angels.

Happy World Ostomy Month.

Be Well.


How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
