Hernias Impacting Irrigation After Surgery: Seeking Advice

Nov 23, 2012 5:18 pm
I have 3 hernias from my surgery, having problems irrigating now. I try to evacuate all the stool but afew hrs later i have more, i can't clean my colon out all the way. Any suggestions or does anyone else have this problem with hernias and irrigation?  Very fustrating!!!  UGH!!!!   Thank you!!!
Nov 25, 2012 6:24 am
Hello primadonna. My stoma nurse gave me a good tip which was to flush in stages.  She reasoned that if you get rid of what is blocking at the exit end then the water has a better chance of getting behind stuff that is further down. It seemed like a good idea. I have tried it a few times and it seemed to work but obviously it takes a bit longer than trying to flush all at once.  Sometimes I just flush as normal and then repeat the session immediately. I usually know if I've flushed everything as the last bit is liquid rather than solid.  One thing I have noticed is that if I don't get everything out, the bit that is left tends to go even more solid by the time I get to irrigate again. This can then be difficult and painful to get rid of so it pays to flush at least twice sometimes.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes  Bill
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