Dealing with Blockages and Infections as an Ileostomy Patient

Mar 21, 2013 6:51 am
I'm a permanent ileostomy patient that has complete removal of colon, rectum and anas about a year ago.  I'm have so many issues with having dificultly with constant blockage whenever I try to introduce new foods with high fiber and my output is thick and is like syrup like output. My blockage episodes are on a weekly basis and cannot find a real solution.  I've tried changing my diet, the combinations of foods and combination of homopathic medicine.

Please give me so advice on possibly trying a new approach to figuring out how to reduce the amount of blockage episodes. It has affected the quality of my life and I'm asking for any one that can offer any suggestions because I plan to develop a wiki that can be a great repository for topics found in these forums that can be located in one central location instead of members having to sift through the forum to find applicable solutions.

Again, I would greatly appreciate your feedback and insight to this topic: blockage and reocurring infections.

Mar 21, 2013 12:46 pm

i would ask..... why do you eat high fiber foods?? fiber in foods cant be digested, so for every ounce of fiber you put in, you get an ounce right back out. high fiber diets are suggested for people with intact digestive systems to add bulk and keep them "regular".
ostomates do not need this. i have a colostomy, but i try to eat a LOW FIBER diet. i manage quite well and have no adverse affects from lack of fiber. i have only had one blockage in 12 years and it was caused by peanuts....i now limit my peanut intake to very small and infrequent amounts. when i did have the blockage i drank a little olive oil and then lots of water, things righted themselves in one day. why not try NO fiber for a few days , supplement with a good vitamin. humans are basically carnivors, your body was designed to run on protien, and it will. disclaimer: i am not a doctor and the above is simply my opinion. good luck, and keep us posted on your outcome
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Mar 21, 2013 9:47 pm
Well I have many years of not having any high fiber foods in my diet and I still have blockage so I thought maybe I should start eating some foods with high fiber, meaning salads, cooked vegetables.  I can't eat anything that has somewhat of a possible problem.  I can't believe other people live like this.  I have blockage on a weekly basis and spend 2 days in bed and I want to figure out what I can do to change it.

I'm so jealous to here that you have no issues with blockage, perhaps there is another digestive problem going on with my body. I'm just looking for options.

Thank You, Debra