Dehydration and Weight Loss After Surgery - Need Advice!

Slow momma
Sep 27, 2013 12:55 pm
Hi all..Barbara here..not been around much as my computer is broke and have to come to the library which is a joke. These computers are a nightmare. But anyway heres my problems..You all have been so helpful in the past.
Had my first ostomy 6 months ago then had it moved 3 months ago. The incesion from the old one is finally healed. Well I am having a horrible time keeping my fluids up. If I go more than 1 hour without drinking, Im dizzy and ready to pass out. I nearly passed out at physical therapy last week and ended up in the hospital getting 5 bags of fluids. Now mind you, Im eating and drinking a lot so I was concerned how could I be dehydrated???
When I had my 4 surgeries and was in the hospital 3 months I lost a lot of weight. It finally leveled off. So when I was in the E.R. they asked my weight and I told them what it was when I was at the dr a few weeks before. They get me to my room and actually weigh me and Id lost another 25 pounds in that short time. When I got out I felt good. Was drinking at home, and 3 days later I was back to lightheaded and dizzy once again. I went to my dr 5 days after getting out of the hospital and had lost another 7 pounds.
When they did my blood work at the hospital and at my drs office my kidney function blood work was high..126. They said to drink more water. I have been. Im so scared and worried. Can my kidneys be fixed??? Is it normal to go through a second weight loss 5-6 months after surgery??? How can I get my fluids to stay in my body??? I have to go to the bathroom every hour and my output is as much as my intake almost. My kidneys are working to fast. What should I do?? See a kidney dr?? Please help...Has anyone had anything like this happen?? I cant keep loosing weight like this. Ive been praying for God to fix me...Any ideas will sure be welcomed and appreciated...Thank you ;Barbara
Sep 29, 2013 11:12 pm
Hi Barbara.  You're really limited without your computer right now and I don't know how you can change that.  Could you borrow?  Maybe you could buy a cheapie for $10 a month just for the internet access.  

At this website/forum there are tons of experts filled with compassion, empathy and unlimited energy to help other ostomates.  Your situation, to me at least, seems more specific to kidney function and there must be other websites/forums with people like you've met here.  Sorry I can't offer more.

Wishing you much better days,

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Oct 01, 2013 1:37 am
Oh Barbara.... (Hugs)

It's going to be okay. If people don't like you for who you are and not what's on the outside, that's their loss, not yours. That special someone is out there waiting to find you. It's going to happen. xx As far as your dehydration levels are concerned and such, I would definitely see about a kidney doctor. I have a feeling you truly need to see what's up with your kidneys and why they're on hyperactive drive.

Best wishes to you and if you need anything, we're all right here. 3

Oct 01, 2013 2:07 am
Barbara--My name is Jamie and I have had the same problems. Luckily, I think I have licked those problems. I had an ileostomy 3 years ago. On top of that, I have also spent about 2 of the last 3 years completely NPO on a feeding tube which makes it virtually impossible to gain weight and also adds to dehydration issues. To make the situation even worse, in April of 2012, I had to have my esophagus removed (I have a very severe and rare form of Crohn's disease). A year later, I had my esophagus reconstructed so I am now back to eating and drinking by mouth but because they used my stomach to form my new esophagus, I can only eat or drink small amounts. Sounds bad, I know, but I'm here to tell you that it is possible to get past it all. First, see if your doctor is OK with you taking something called Thermotabs. They are electrolyte pills and they will help you to retain the fluids you take in. I started out taking 2 a day, moved up to 6 eventually and currently take 4 (divided up into multiple doses, not all at once). Another thing you need to do is start eating many small meals a day instead of 3 larger ones. Think about trying to eat every 2-3 hours. For example, I might make a sandwich at lunchtime and eat only half and then eat the other half 2 hours later. I don't know if you have dumping syndrome or if you have a lot of pain with eating. If so, eating this way usually helps. You can also try peppermint oil capsules. Lastly, you need to get an insulated travel mug, fill it with ice water and glue it to your hand at all times. Mine is practically a part of my body. Lol! Get used to drinking in small sips ALL THE TIME! You can do it. I was only 97 lbs at one point last year. Now I am 115 lbs. Keep your chin up and good luck!
Past Member
Oct 01, 2013 12:00 pm
Hi, I have only had my ileostomy a few weeks and have bad kidney function due to an already stressed body plus other health problems. I think you need a good electrolyte replacement drink or tablets, whatever your general practitioner recommends (Gatorade isn't a true replacement). I wouldn't do it without medical supervision as it can be very dangerous. They will know which one and how frequently. As another person commented (so sorry I forgot your name), you need to eat small amounts often. Be careful not to eat too much protein as this makes it harder for your kidneys to function and always, always everywhere you go keep water on you or in your bag, and try to drink clear apple juice twice daily but not too much, just a cup full (tea cup!)
I truly wish you well and hope my knowledge both as an RN and an ostomate helps. Please go back to your practitioner and yes, a referral to a nephrologist (kidney specialist) will be very beneficial. Ask if he can call the specialist to see you ASAP.
God bless you and I hope to hear good news soon.

Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Slow momma
Oct 01, 2013 4:20 pm
Thanks everyone for your help. I called an ostomy nurse Friday afternoon and told her what was going on. She's been an ostomy nurse for over 25 years and I trust what she's telling me. She said nothing is staying in my body because of no bile salts, so she said to have my doctor order me some Questran. It's granules you put in juice, milk, etc. and drink. She said that should fix me. I've had so much trouble since I had all that surgery and ileostomy months ago. I was coming along good and all of a sudden, wham, this dehydration hit me like a lead balloon. I'm still baffled as to how I can drink close to 16 bottles of water a day and be dehydrated. I'm about ready to just live on the toilet lol!! I didn't even realize I was losing so much weight...a pound or more a day...about 35 total the past month. I eat a lot. I have to eat at least every hour or two as nothing stays in my body. If I don't eat often, the nausea hits fast and I throw up. I'm sick of constantly eating and drinking.
I called my primary care doctor and they wouldn't order that for me. They said see my G.I. doctor. I already had an appointment scheduled to see him, but not for almost 2 weeks yet. So I said this isn't working. I called one of my surgeons and since they know what I have had to go through, they ordered it for me. The pharmacy didn't have it in stock yesterday. It's supposed to come in and be ready soon. I'm in town just waiting for it. I'm praying hard that the nurse was right and that's what's needed to fix me. I can't continue on like this. If it doesn't help soon, I will go to the surgeon and see what he can figure out, plus seeing the G.I. doctor. I have a great group of doctors...5 or 6.
I have tried Gatorade and coconut water and I can't gag them down. I've thrown it up several times. My body is trying to heal from the surgeries and weakness from being in the hospital bed 3 months, and even though I need to lose some more weight, my surgeons don't want me to lose any until I am better. This has me so weak that sometimes I can barely make it to the kitchen and back to the bedroom. I'm so weak and dizzy. I'm afraid it's going to take me a long while to get back the 4 weeks I've been down from this. I couldn't even go to Physical Therapy yesterday. I was just too weak and P.T. takes a lot out of me each time. I will continue plugging along. I will try to update in a few days to see how the new medicine is working. Everyone have a blessed day.