Daily Struggle with Pain Post-Ileostomy at 80

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Jan 22, 2014 2:53 am
I have a year goneby since my ileostomy and have not had this good life iam supposed to have.I have pain every single day. when I get up my stomach is so empty that I need to eat right away but once I eat iam in pain until usually around noon and iam not getting much strength back.My Dr. wants me to gain weight but I struggle to keep it at 125 ,iam 5' 5 and until I got sick and had the surgery I was fighting weight all the time and fluctuated between 170,160 and once was 200 lbs.Iam 80 years old now and I think sometimes this is not living and I should just let go.I have been a hard worker all my life and with the strength I have now it is a struggle to get thru each day and so many thing I find so hard to do or cant do at all. I have been to a specialist {2 of them} and they run many tests ,even having me swallow a small camera but cant figure it out.One said it could b adhesions but said surgery would not b for me. I need some kind of encouragement,is anyone else having any problems at all like this?????? I pray toGod to help me at least get SOME relief
Jan 22, 2014 9:06 pm
sweede0...I'm 74 and about 18 months with my iliostomy.  I also had trouble gaining weight, having lost 50 pounds.  Weakness, lack of desire for food and stomach pain were problems.  My doctor recommended increased protein intake, prepared shakes or powders.  A wound care nurse put me onto a product called JUVEN.  It is made by Abbot Labs.  While it is a bit pricey, taken twice a day, it helps build tissue and helped me begin to put on some weight and regain my taste for more foods.  There is still some stomach discomfort in the morning when I get out of bed.  Eating breakfast right away helps.  There isn't much else I can offer.  Just hang in there and keep asking questions.  You will find your answers.
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Jan 22, 2014 9:17 pm
Because of your age they don't want to operate, but that should not stop surgery if you are in that kind of pain.  I am so sorry to hear that the medical team is not willing/ able to do something positive.

If you decide to become terminal, please call on HOSPICE and tell them what is going on - they may be able to do something on your behalf.  

I am a farmer as well - although this has sidetracked production for awhile. I appreciate your diligent work ethic and frustration.  

My dad and grandmother had horrible adhesions resulting from multiple colon cancer surgeries. Each one had to have surgery against their surgeon's policy.  Finally in both cases,  the  Dr.'s simply insisted that the surgeon do all he could as life could not continue for them.  In both situations, once the adhesions were removed they both had relatively decent lives.   That certainly does not mean this would work for you and you could become terminal in the surgery but sometimes we are forced into those decisions -- today there is a wrap they can use to stop more adhesions.  I totally wish you the very best - do what makes you comfortable and keeps you at peace.