Is Severe Pain After Weight Loss Due to Injury Normal?

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Jan 22, 2014 12:29 pm
hello all, i got shot 8/17/2012, i have since then had a colostomy due to not having insurance or funding for the reversal, Since april of 2013 i had begun losing weight after completely cutting out soda and fast foods,i am 6' 2" and i was 365lbs when i got shot, and after surgery i peaked to 375lbs, Now i am 295lbs and as time goes on and more weight is lost, my mornings are absolutely terrible, for about 2 hours my stomach hurts so bad that i want to scream, even causing me testicular/bladder pain which at some times becomes quite unbearable, i dont think this is normal, but i dont have insurance and dont have the means to have this reversed, as i am not familiar with Anything about insurance i dont know the easiest route to go about a reversal, i am going to contact the doctor that operated on me this week and then go from there, my brother suggested i go to the ER, but with my luck as soon as i get there the pain will pass and they will look at me like im crazy

I figured with losing weight my ostomy situation would be easier to deal with, but it seems to have the opposite effect, even to the point that the left side of my stomach is a giant buldge hanging lower than the rest of my stomach and the right side of my stomach looks deflated
Jan 22, 2014 7:52 pm

The first thing that comes to my mind based on what you have said is parastomal hernia...
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Jan 23, 2014 12:23 pm

That would be exactly what im describing, and from my understanding of the Very little i read, im not supposed to be lifting heavy weight???? if that is so, i was NEVER informed of that suggestion by the doctor that operated on me or the ostomy nurse, i was only told not to lift more than 5lbs while my stomach was wide open for 3 months

as i had 37 staples when i woke up from surgery, then 20 staples were removed so i had to pack a wound for quite some time
Jan 24, 2014 10:30 am
Hi Bigbol

Why r u losing so much weight r u not feeling like eating or is it the pain if this is so I'm in the same position but I have a few answers if u need them I too am bad in the mornings. Let me know and il speak again.
Jan 24, 2014 1:46 pm

I used to drink nothing but soda and Eat out at restaurants and fast food before me and the mother of my children separated

Now i only drink water and eat Authentic home cooked food, i Avoid Bread, Pasta, Rice and at the top of my list High Fructose Corn Syrup, i will NOT ingest this ingredient by choice if i know a food/drink contains it

I ALSO have 7 herniated disks and a fractured L3 vertebrae, so being 370lbs wasnt too comfortable on my back, now i have almost no back pain and plan on dropping down to 240lbs once again, colostomy or not.. im down to 290-295lbs, only 50/55lbs to go!!!

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