Healing a Persistent Wound Under My Ostomy Pouch

Mar 06, 2014 1:48 pm
I have A wound underneath my pouch that will not heal.I use a convex pouch that might put some pressure on my skin. I Have tried anything from band aids to powders with little success. Any tips to heal this sore would be greatly appreciated!  Rod Tyson
Past Member
Mar 06, 2014 5:11 pm

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  I'm soooo sorry friend. They are very aggrevating and painful. Mine usually start with an itch from hell and heaven forbid I scratch as immediately the would begins..... I've found that the best thing is plain old "isopropryl alcohol". I keep a bottle and cotton balls available ALWAYS..... I always use it to clean my skin when I change appliances. Just rub your skin gently with it and blow dry before applying coloplaste protective skin barriers. You'll find that your skin stays much healthier.

If the wound is already there, just dab your alcohol cotton ball on it or right on top of your flange until it's pretty soaked, directly over the wound. It will burn a little sometimes, but even then....it feels better. I use a thin "clean" bath cloth around my damp bag,  to keep my skin dry. Do this several times a day or until the flange needs changing, then blot ALL of your skin around your stoma and under where your new flange will be and double blot the wound area. I wave my hand to start the drying before applying the skin barried, blow or fan that as well then use a "Eakin Ostomy Barrier Seal" (they are a must)!!! They help tremendously with protecting you from leakage, especially if your skin around your stoma is no longer flat and smooth.

I know that with a history of blockages, my stoma and the skin around it has changed and would allow for leakage and causing an accessive need to change my appliance frequently. Not only is that too expensive, but reallt harmful to your skin. I promise if you use the alcohol, you'll begin to feel and see (if your wound is wet) a difference in very short order.

I hope this helps and you're pain free quickly. If you use other appliances and would simply like to try the skin barrier wipes and ostomy seal I'm speaken of....send me a private message with your mailing address, and I'll send you a sample, okay?

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Mar 08, 2014 3:09 am
Hi Rod,

I too have problems with open wounds/sores under my convex pouch. I found that I had to use the deep convex because the skin around my stoma was so uneven that I couldn't get a decent seal or wear time otherwise.

Well, my latest sore was in a different place and becoming so much of a bother that I went back to see the WOCN. I saw a different one this time who took the time to analyze the issue. He said that he thought the stiff deep convex was causing the problem.What he came back with was a moldable convex one piece by the same company (Marlen) that I used. He also cut the opening slightly larger and used the new Coloplast Brava paste around the opening edge. On the wound itself which had open flesh, he used Promogran which promotes collagen building for new skin to form. Covered that with a bit of dressing by Coloplast but you could use others. Heated the bag with a hairdryer to make it mold better and held it in place for around a minute. I am slowly healing. I also sometimes use Aquacel AG under the dressing. It protects against bacteria and absorbs exudite. I hope this helps. If you have any other questions I can help with...just ask. I know this is frustrating!

Mar 09, 2014 2:40 pm
Thank You for your suggestions. I will look into some of the products you have mentioned. Rod Tyson