Is Ileostomy Irrigation Safe?

May 28, 2014 5:25 pm

I have been reading about members irrigating and plugging illeostomy. Have also read it is dangerous. Please tell me more about it.

May 29, 2014 1:04 pm

To qualify for irrigation, you must still have part of your descending colon, and it must be healthy. I don't believe you can irrigate if you have an ileo. Best to ask your doctor or nurse first.

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May 30, 2014 5:01 pm

Hello Bear.

I have been reading posts on here for some time now and I haven't come across anyone with an ileostomy who irrigates. I believe MMSH is correct in saying that it is not recommended for anyone other than those with colostomies.  That is not to say that I wouldn't personally be interested in this approach if the situation arose. However, even though I'm noted for taking risks and experimentation I would definitely be seeking advice from the professionals before even contemplating such a move.  Best wishes Bill

Jun 05, 2014 5:04 am

Never irrigate an ileostomy. That's only for colostomies. Never insert anything in an ileostomy.

Jun 05, 2014 11:42 am

Why? A plug doesn't seem to be a major intrusion. And I have done minor irrigation when a mushroom was having a difficult time passing through. I do have an ileostomy. My doctor said to try the plugs and see if they allow a little more 'freedom'. Start with 8-10 hours just to see. I also have read plugs are only for colostomies but haven't heard a good reason why they can't be used for ileos.


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Jun 20, 2014 10:50 pm

I have a colostomy and irrigate it every day. The idea behind irrigation is to "train" the remaining colon (sigmoid or descending, not transverse) to have regular bowel movements. It is said ileostomies' output cannot be regulated and therefore they are not appropriate for regular irrigation. I can't comment on "emergency" irrigation to address a blockage like a mushroom.

I've also never been able to use a cap because there are days my colon makes its own decision to "let go" in between times even though I'm into my 5th year of irrigating. I use a Hollister mini-pouch, which is pretty much like wearing nothing at all (most of the time).

Phoenix magazine has an article this month on irrigating. It is written by a Brit and it appears parts of the technique differ between the UK and the USA. Pinky :)

Jul 08, 2014 6:38 pm

Thank you, Pinky. I just received the conceal plugs, so I'm going to try one tomorrow to see what happens.