I am going to see my doctor on Tues., July 1 about having a reversal done. I don't mind telling you I am scared to death to have it done from some of the horror stories I have heard. Can those who have had it done or know of people that have had one done please give me some questions to ask the surgeon.
One reason I am scared is that the doctor that performed my surgery was with this practice for over 30 years and supposed to be one of the best but in less than a month of doing my surgery, he was let go or so I was led to believe and I have no idea why, maybe he was not capable of doing surgery anymore.
My stoma is different than most, it is flat to my stomach almost like a belly button and I know from what I have seen and talked to others this is strange. I was told that I had a minimum of six months before I could have the reversal and that time is here. My husband is worried about the muscle that I haven't used in six months being too relaxed and that I might have problems adjusting back to the old way of doing things.
I really need as much information about having this done and the complications that can follow so I can make a sound decision on whether to have it done or not. I am a two-time cancer survivor, have had a kidney removed, had a collapsed lung when they did my colostomy and was in ICU for a week, am facing another minor surgery and I am just beside myself on what to do.
Thanks in advance for any information.