Hello all you good people out there --
Has anyone had to have an ileostomy because of radiation damage? In January 2012, I had a major operation for cancer. The operation was successful and the tumor was removed from my womb. THEN I was advised to have radiotherapy just in case?? --- I had six weeks of daily radiotherapy and started to complain of symptoms from the second week. Uncontrollable diarrhea, abdominal pains, etc., but each time I was told they were just side effects and would subside in time. 9 months later, no different, so they sent me for a colonoscopy - I had to wait for three hours because the sterilization machine had broken down and they were cleaning it manually. I never gave that a thought at the time. However, the colonoscopy had to be abandoned because of the severe pain, but they told me from what they could see, everything looked fine.
Two months later, I collapsed with severe pain and was rushed into the hospital --- Result --- Severe radiation damage and shockingly I was full of gangrene - My bowel had been cooked! An emergency 6-hour op was carried out - Leaving me with a stoma. The surgeon said she had managed to save enough of the rectum for a future reversal. I was pleased about that but was very ill -- I was discharged 3 weeks later but returned with sepsis and had to have a locking drain inserted.
5 months later, I was glad to have a reversal even though the reversal op was cancelled twice (lack of beds) -- I was so happy when it was reversed and discharged home after 5 days, but unfortunately, it leaked and I had sepsis and was again extremely ill. I was admitted to the hospital and remained this time for 3 months, nasogastric tube, being tube-fed, etc., etc. I had sepsis, anastomosis, and they also discovered that at some point my blood vessels had been damaged and I now have a huge thrombus in my superior mesenteric artery (main vessel in the bowel).
I have recently had an oncology appointment and was told by sheer examination that I am cancer-free and he does not need to see me anymore - Good news but how could he tell by just looking? He recommended a reversal would be possible, also a stent could be placed into the blocked blood vessel and some plastic surgery for the scarring. I was upbeat after that appointment.
However, my bowel surgeon said it is not possible but would send me for a second opinion. The consultation with the other surgeon was positive. Firstly, he wants me to have an ileoscopy (colonoscopy) and then he will talk to the vascular team about the thrombus and determine whether another reversal is possible.
My family wants me to remain as I am, but they do not completely understand how upset I am living like this. They say 'Mum you wouldn't know you have one' -- But I KNOW! and I just can't cope with it.
Perhaps if the ileostomy was the result of long-suffering Crohn's Disease, Bowel Cancer, IBS, or Diverticulitis, my thoughts may be different - perhaps then I could come to terms with it?
I understand that I am lucky to be alive -- I know all of that -- I should be grateful!!!
I cannot come to terms with what has happened to me all because I was cooked by radiotherapy -- I now have a thrombus. I just cannot psychologically come to terms with the stoma - I hate it!!!
Please, please can someone give me some words of advice.