Hi Richard,
I live in Ireland and I am visiting the US currently. There is a product called "Absorbagel" which will help with the large volume of liquid. I get this in Ireland and it appears to be available only in Ireland and Britain. I've been looking online and asking some medical professionals here in the US about Absorbagel.
Its main ingredient is PVA/Polyvinyl Alcohol which is a thickening agent used in the "Green Goop" that kids use on Halloween. I get it in the form of little sachets/packets about as big as a quarter. The sachets dissolve inside the bag and the contents absorb huge amounts of liquid and the liquid becomes like a thick pudding. A glass of water becomes a quarter glass of almost solid goop that will not flow.
Using Absorbagel, you will have maybe two visits instead of six!!! It gives great security when out and about. Large amounts of liquid will cause leaks if not emptied in time, especially at night or on long drives or public transport, etc. This stuff will change your life and allow you the freedom to move about and travel that you have never had before. I can fly from Europe to the US and use the bathroom only twice...and eat the airline food...not first class but you can't have everything I guess hahaha!!
I suspect that you can get Absorbagel sent to you from Canada because of its connection to Britain?? I will look it up and let you know.
I still get huge amounts of totally liquid output, after many years, so this will not change so the best you can do is to manage it. This product works like magic, just amazing stuff. Actually, "Kitty Litter" is very similar lol!!
I've searched Canada and it seems that you can only order it from Europe.
150 sachets for 73 English pounds. I use three sachets every time I empty my Ileo Bag. You might get away with two per empty. I'm lucky and get it free but it is well worth the cost even if you have to buy it.
I hope this is of some help. The food I eat seems to make no difference to the consistency of output. Ileostomy output will always be very liquid. The only thing that helps is Absorbagel.
All the best, Happy New Year....